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"YOU C*NT!" Sam shouted as he abruptly entered the room.

His focus was fixed onto Taylor.

"I gave you one command, which you said you'd abide to. But no; you go ahead and f*cking disobey my orders!" Sam yelled at Taylor.

"I heard your whole conversation, you bastard!" Sam continued to yell.

"What's your f*cking problem?!" I yelled at him.

Sam's head snapped towards me, and the menacing look on his face showed vexation.

"I do not want to hear his gravelly, adenoidal voice!" He states.

He has a good use of English.

"But that's not the only reason, love. He has enough guts to face you, and talk to you; but he wont tell you the truth!" Sam said, sounding irritated.

"What truth?! I don't understand what your on about!" I yelled in frustration.

"That's because you don't f*cking know!" He yelled back.

"F*cking tell me then!" I screamed much louder.

I saw Sam and Taylor flinch. Taylor looked down, and he seemed; ashamed. And Sam, I swear I saw his eyes soften!

"Do you remember Nicole?" He asked. His voice returned to normal.

(Nicole was one of Cameron's exes. Ciara wasn't very fond of her, and Nicole wasn't fond of Ciara.)

I nodded, still confused.

"She was my cousin, and someone killed her." He spoke.

(Chapter 11 on this book will remind you that Ciara killed Nicole.)

I tried my best not to widen my eyes; but I still did as I was now in shock. He knows she's dead. But does he know it was me that killed her?

"But I never liked her anyway. She was manipulative and evil. I would always call her 'The Devil's assistant'. She would become irritated when I took the piss. I enjoyed that very much." He said.

Wow! He never liked her. I can tell he despises her. A lot.

"So whoever killed her, did a good job. I just wish it was me." He continued.

"Continuing with that scum, she leaked a video, which was sent to everyone on her contact list, including her family." He said, which really wasn't surprising.

"Nicole's best friend.. well, she was. Her name was Rachel. The video showed Rachel and Cameron." Sam explained.

Rachel. Could she be the Rachel I know? The Rachel who hated me as soon as she first met me.


5 years ago, when I was round Cameron's. Me and Cameron were in his room, playing on the Xbox. We were then called downstairs by Gina. When we got down the stairs, we were approached by Gina, Sierra, my mum, and woman with her daughter. I didn't have a good feeling about the pair of them. They seemed bitchy, snobby and horrible. But you know the phrase; Never judge a book by it's cover.

Converge | Sequel to Opposites AttractTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang