Did I just....

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This summer has been great .I've had a bunch of fun times with Stephen but now it's time to get serious. Soon I have to pick out what college I want to go to.It's only a matter of time before we leave high school and start our future.Me and Stephen have already decided that when the time comes,we'll stick together.We're even thinking about going to the same University because we both know we can't stay away from each other for four years and only see each other on holidays.I mean,there's skype and we can call each other but it wouldn't feel the same like it does now.

Anyways,Today Stephen wants to go to a party tonight before schools starts.You know,the party that everyone who attends our school goes to so they can have one more night of freedom.So that pretty much means drunk tennagers,Grinding and horny boys.....how nice.

I'm actually kind of excited to go to this party and I've also invited the girls because if I go with Stephen I'm gonna be bored standing there litstening to his conversation with the boys about football season.But if I go with the girls,I would have so much fun dancing and talking.You can never go to a party with out Jessica and Jennifer.

I started getting ready for the party and I decided I wanted to look sexy tonight because I need to make a good impression of myself and I want to see the look on Stephen's face.After I put on my dress,I curled my hair and put on a little bit of mascara and lipstick on.When I was all ready, I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to see if my parents were home before I left.Luckily, as always there on a business trip in New York while Chris is at work.

I sneaked out the house because I dont want my neighbors to snitch about how I left the house in a tight dress and makeup.I got into Stephen car, which was parked a little bit away from my driveway and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Hey baby." Stephen said.


"You look amazing always."

"Thanks handsome."I giggled.

"Ready for the party?"Stephen said while driving

"Yeah let's get going and have fun." I shouted and Stephen just chuckled to himself.

We drove to the party and it was thirty minutes away from where I lived so it didn't take that long to get there.

We pulled up to Nick Fillion driveway,the football player who is hosting the party and got out of the car.Once we got inside,all I could smell was the alcohol and sweat from all the dancing.

"Hey,babe.I'm gonna go get something to drink."I yelled to Stephen over Katy Perry.It's always the football players who love Katy Perry.I honestly don't get how,maybe becuase....she's hot, as the idiotic boys like to say.

"Ok baby,don't be gone for too long."He whispered in my ear which made me shivered because of how sexy he sound when he does that.

I made my way to the fruit punch and of course there was alcohol in it.When you go to a party and someone says "The punch is fine,no one put alcohol in it.It's just regular old fruit punch".....well,they are most definitely lying.There is about 90% alcohol in it.

Anyways,while I was at the punch boil,two familiar faces came over to me.

"Hey guys."I said.

"Hey."Jessica and Jennifer said.

We started talking about school ,guys(of course) and we danced for a little while until I felt someone grabbed my hand.

"You never came back"
Stephen pouted and pulled me to the dance floor.He put my back in front of him and I started dancing all on him,which he loves so much.

After a million of songs,we went outside to get some fresh air because of how heated things were when we were on the dance floor.But instead of cooling down,we started making out and it was not sweet.The kisses felt amazing and rough. We couldn't take it any more so we went back to the car and drove back to my house. Luckily we didn't crash or got killed because Stephen and I were drinking alot.

I got out of the car and fell on the ground which was really embarassing but Stephen just helped me up and held me bridal style while grinning.

"Next time don't drink so much 'punch' Kat."Strephen laughed.

"I could say the same to you."I giggled.

I didn't have any cuts or bruise when I fell,maybe becuase Stephen is always my life-saver. Stephen and I went inside to my house and started making out again.Stephen pushed me against the door ,with me now stradling his waist.I put my hands around his neck and he cuffed my butt.Then he licked my bottom lip which meant he wanted entrance which I happily gave him,our tongues were in synch.

We went to my bedroom and we literally couldn't keep our hands off of each other.He layed me in the bed with me at the bottom and him at the top against me hard.I then felt something increasing on my thigh. I could feel him having an erection which was really hot and turbed me on.

He took off my shirt and I wasn't the least bit shy around Stephen.He loved me for me and that's all that matters.I took off off his shirt and ran my fingers across his abbs. Then he started kissing me on my neck and kept going lower and lower until he stopped at my breast. He took of my bra and gave me a look of amazement.

"Your so beautiful".He smiled and began giving pleasure to my boobs. I started moaning loudly and arching my back.Luckily no one was in the house only us two.

He then took off my pants and he took off his as well. We kept kissing each other and then his hand got lower and lower until it got to my panties.He slid them off in a blink of a eye.Then he took off his boxers.

"Tell me when it hurt.ok?"He said to me which I nodded in responce.

"I love you."I looked at him with love.

"I love you more."He gave me the same look back while rubbing my waist.

I then felt him slowly come inside of me.It hurted a little bit but after a while I felt the pleasure for the first time. Everyone said sex is great and thy are most definitely right.This is fantastic and it feels worth all the pain.

"OMG,FASTER,FASTER!" I begged Stephen. He started to go faster and harder.

"FUCK YEAH BABY,YOU FEEL SO GOOD!SHIT!Stephen groaned while I gripped and scratched at his back.


I finally reached my climax and letted it all out.We layed breathlessly on the bed while panting heavily.

I couldn't believe what just happen. Did I just have sex with with Stephen?!?
I Hope you enjoyed.Hey guys!We're back.Isn't this just the most awesome first chapter!There is so much drama in stored so don't miss out :)


。a wonderful day.


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