The Test Results

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*One month later*

I heard my alarm ringing and looked at the time.Uhhh!Why does school have to be so early!I've been very tired lately for some odd reason. As usual,I don't want to go to school but I know I have to.

I got up and got ready for school. I went to do basically my entire morning routine for school and walked out the door when I was ready for the day. God damn it!I hate those fucking stairs.It's so much walking!It's not my fault I'm lazy as fuck.

Anyways,I'm suppose to come home early to go to the grocery store with my mom because my dad is on a business trip and Christopher has work, so I volunteered as tribute,to go with her.It's actually weird not having both my parents on business trips though.

I started my car and went to school. When I got to school,I saw Cecy,Sabrina,Jennifer,and Jessica waiting for me.

"Hey guys."I smiled.

"Hey."They all said.

We went inside of the school and when we did,Sabrina bumped into someone and that someone turned out to be that bitch,Rebecca.She turned around and she started making a disgusted face at all of us.

"Oh look who it is,the bitch who stole my boyfriend with her stupid little friends." Rebecca said with a face full of hatred.

"And look,it's the slut who fucked half of the guys in school." I said. I've been having a lot of confidence lately.

"What the fuck did you say?!?!"she yelled.

"You heard her puta(slut)." )Cecy said,getting so close to Rebecca that I had to pull her back.

"You better tell your dumb friends to shut the fuck up before I hurt them!Don't forget what I did last year to you." Rebecca said with a smirk.

"We can talk when we want to!"Cecy said trying to get from out of my grasp.

"Try to hurt us and you'll see what we can do.We may be short and crazy as hell but we know how to fight."Jessica said.

"Rebecca do me a favor and just turn around before your the one to get hurt."I said.

She was shock of what I said to her but she deserves it. I'm actually kind of surprised I even said that to her,to be honest. I'm even more surprise that she actually turned around and left.

As she was walking down the hallway,I saw Christian giving me the death glare. What the fuck is he looking at!We were friends until he started dating Rebecca.After that,he just gave me glares.

We turn around and saw a crowd clapping because we stood up to that bitch. We bowed down like we were queens or, we just won a prize.

Jessica and Jennifer went walking to their first period while I was walking with Cecy and Sabrina. We sat down and waited for the teacher to come already so we can learn.Ha! Just kidding, we're just gonna mess with each other becuase,thats just who we are. Mrs.Jackie was a cool teacher though.She looked so young that she looks like she could be our mother.

There was 20 minutes left so she let us use our phones. I was gonna text Stephen to see how he was.I didn't see him at all today.I was about to text him until I got a random message. I open the message and read it.

Christian - Oh,so you think it's cool to mess with my girlfriend like that?!Your such a bitch! You don't even know what She's been through!Fuck you Katherine!

Oh hell no!He did not just say that to me. He just messed with the wrong person.

Me- Ok first of all,shut the fuck up Christian because you have no idea what I've been through with her!Did she tell you that I was her best friend until she betrayed me and treated me like a bitch! I didn't even do nothing to her in the first place!She's just pissed off at me because I have a father and she doesn't! I know what she's been through so why don't you shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business!

Damn I just told him off and trust me that felt good! Sabrina and Cecy saw me typing fast like if I was pissed off.So I started explaining to them about Rebecca and Christian.

"Damn that's sucks."Sabrina says.

"Yupp."I said.

Next thing you know,the bell rings and we went to 2nd period. I saw Stephen waiting for me and I gave him a big hug.

"Hey baby." Stephen said. God! Why does he have to be so hot!

"Hey."I said. We walked for a while and he dropped me off at my 2nd period like the gentlemen he is.

*A few hours later*

Lunch is over and I got to go home. Nothing really happened at lunch,only that Sabrina and Cecilia were yelling at each other which isn't new.

They had mac and cheese for lunch but it looked disgusting to me, while I had a salad instead. Which is weird but oh well.

I went to my house and went inside to change until I realized I have to go to the grocery store.

"Sweetheart your ready to go?" My mom asked.

"Yeah let's go."I said.

We went into her car and drove to the grocery store.

"If we have time,can go to the mall?"I asked my mom.

"Yeah,sure."My mom replied. We got to the grocery store and started getting items off the list.

"Hey,Katherine.Have you've gotten your time of the month yet?"My mom asked looking at the pads and tampons.

I was about to freak out.The last time I got it was a week before I did the,you know what with Stephen!!!

"Uh no I haven't gotten it but I've been moody lately so I'm probably gonna get it soon."I lied.

"Ok."she said.

We went to get in the line and I started looking at some candies. I saw a king size Hershey bar that got my attention the most. I grabbed it and put it in the cart.

We put the groceries bags in the car and went home. I was looking out the window listening to music when I remember something that happened a month ago. Sabrina made a bet with me to take a pregnancy test after two weeks .I haven't took it and maybe Sabrina won't even remember the bet.

I Googled the symptoms for pregnancy:

Tender, swollen breasts. Early in pregnancy hormonal changes might make your breasts tender, sensitive or sore. Nausea with or without vomiting.Increased urination....Fatigue ...Food aversions or cravings.

Uh oh!I've been having food cravings and I've been having nauseas for a bit. After we got home I helped my mom with the groceries.

"Oh I forgot to take you to the mall.I'm sorry."My mom said.

"It's ok I'm actually gonna go with my friends and go get some coffee."I'm told her.

"Ok be careful."My mom said while hugging me.

"Ok bye mom."I'm said.

I got in my car and started looking up pharmacy far away from here. I don't want anyone to see me getting a pregnancy test.There was one thirty minutes away from here. I started my car and went straight to the pharmacy.

I can barely hold on to the steering wheel. My hands are shaking like crazy and I'm freaking out. I made it to the pharmacy and went to the aisle to look for pregnancy test. I grabbed three and went to pay for them. The cashier looked at me with a concern face. After I paid for it I went back to the car and drove back home. As I was about to drive home,I got a text from my mom.

Mom- Hey,I'm going out to hang with a few friends. I left money on the counter if you wanted to order some food for later on.Be careful.Love you.

Me - Ok mom.Love you too.

I got home to see my mom car gone. I went inside of the house and went upstairs with the test in my hands. I'm scared to do this but I have to so I can stop freaking out about it.

I read the instructions and took all three test. I could not believe what it said. It's positive.....

Hope you enjoyed!Omg it's positive!!!


。a wonderful day.


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