It's a Girls Day

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At this very moment,I'm telling the girls what happened between Stephen and I.

"You should have told me to kick him in the balls!"Sabrina said shaking her head.

"I would have punched him in the face!"Cecy said agreeing with Sabrina.

"No its fine guys."I said.

"Don't feel sorry for him."Jessica said.

"I know,I shouldn't feel bad but...ugh,I just do .You know what,you guys can kill him tomorrow. "I said,looking at all four of them.

"Awesome."Sabrina whispered to herself.

"So where are we going?"Jennifer asked.

"I don't know .Where do you guys want to go?"I asked them.

"STARBUCKS!"Cecy said,pulling us out.

"Ok,let's go then."I laughed.

We went to Starbucks and went to get some coffee and Cake Pops. Starbucks cake pops are AMAZING!!! If you never tried them,then something is wrong with you .You haven't lived until you taste them.

We basically took all the Cake Pops they had because we were very hungry and we just love them. After we finish the Cake Pops and our coffee,we went to my house .We pulled up to my house and I saw my brother car at the house.

Oh shit!I guess he didn't have classes or work today.

"Guys,unfortunately,my brother is here."I said.

"Oh well,I guess we get to me him."Cecy said.

I unlocked my house door and we all went inside. I closed the door and I heard nothing. I guess my brother isn't here after all...but why is his car parked out side?

"So do you guys want some chips?"I asked them,while scanning through my kitchen.

"Katherine,we just ate."Jessica laughed.

"Remember,she's eating for two."Jennifer said.

"Shut up!I'm hungry."I said,filling my counter with junk food.

Then as I was pouring the chips on my plate,the lights went out.

"What The He--ahhhhhhhh!!!"We all screamed at the same time .We were literally holding each other for dear life.

"Haha I got you."Christopher said,laughing so hard,that he was rolling on the ground and he looked like a seal.

"God damn you Chris."I yelled,turning the lights back on.

"Wow....Sis who are these beautiful ladies."Chris said smirking while leaning against the counter with his 'flirt' face.

They were all literally blushing,but mostly Cecy .She looked like a freaking tomato.

"Chris,this is Sabrina,Cecilia,Jennifer and Jessica,girls....this is my annoying brother,Chris."I said.

You might be does he not know about Jennifer and Jessica already .Well,I've tried really hard to keep my friends,especially my female ones,away from him because of situations like this.

"Hi."They all said,not at the same time though.

"Why aren't you guys at school?"Chris asked.

"Something,might have happened between Stephen and I."I said,looking down at my feet.

"What did he do to you?"Chris asked curiously,with a mad tone.

"Nothing.We just had a regular relationship argument."I said.

"Are you sure,because I can kick his ass."Chris said,getting all serious.

"Yes,I'm sure."I said,giving him a light smile.

"So why aren't you at school or work?"I asked him.

Right now, Jennifer and Cecy were watching T.V while Sabrina and Jessica were on their phones.

"I took the day off."He said,sitting on our kitchen counter.

"Oh ok,well I'm gonna be upstairs if you need me."I said,grabbing all my snacks, with no help at all might I add,up the stairs.

We started playing minecraft on our phones while a movie on Netflix was playing.

During this, I got a phone call from a number I didn't recognize.

"Hello."I said.

"Hi,is this Katherine May?"A female voice asked.

"Yes,this is her."I replied.

"Well hi,this is Dr. Montgomery. I just wanted to let you know that you are pregnant and that you are 8 weeks in pregnancy."She said.

"Oh ok,thanks so much for telling me that Dr. Montgomery."I said.

When she finished telling me what to do in order for my baby to be healthy and ended the call,I turned to the girls.

"What's wrong Kat?"Jessica asked.

"I am,for sure,pregnant."I said,slowly.

"Duh,we already knew that dumbtard."Sabrina said,laughing.

"Yeah,but the doctor confirmed it and I'm 8 weeks in pregnancy."I said smiling.

"Awww my baby Sis is gonna be coming soon."Cecy squealed.

"Um, baby brother is gonna be coming soon."Sabrina corrected her.

"Let's bet 5 dollars on what the baby is gonna be then."Cecy said,challenging Sabrina.

"Deal."Sabrina said,shaking hands with Cecy.

"I can not lose this bet Katherine!"Cecy said .I can tell by the look in her eyes, that she was broke.

"I always win the bet."Sabrina said,looking confident.

All I could do was laugh at them .We started watching movies and TV shows after chatting for a while,and then I started to fall asleep.

"Awww,Kat's falling asleep."Cecy said.

"We should let her get some rest."Jennifer said. "One of us should tell Chris that were leaving early because she's sleeping and we didn't want to awake her."Jennifer continued.

"I'll go tell him."Jessica said.

After about two hours of sleep,I woke up to see my brother by my side.

"Where my friends go?"I asked,rubbing my eyes.

"They left because you fell asleep."Chris said,putting my covers over me.

"Oh,ok."I said,softly. I went back to sleep and didn't want to be disturbed for the rest of the night .Pregnancy really makes you tired.

Well,I guess I have to go to school tomorrow .Hopefully I won't run into Stephen.

That Asshole....
I Hope you enjoyed!Yayy!Girls day!Who's your spirit animal in here???


。a wonderful day.


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