Spill It

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No this can't be happening. I can't be pregnant. I slided down the wall of the restroom and curled up into a ball.

I started crying and then all of a sudden, I felt a attack coming.NO NOT THIS AGAIN!!!!I haven't had one in a really long time!I started to make myself calm down and kept pacing around thinking about this.

Stephen is never going to forgive me,but then again,it Technically was both of our faults.

Why was I drinking that night? How am I suppose to tell my parents? Will they hate me and kick me out of the house? Will Stephen leave me? All of these questions started coming out of nowhere until I heard my phone ring. I checked my phone to see who it was. Stephen...

Stephen - Hey babe,can you come over for dinner and invite your parents?I want you to meet my mother and sister. Tomorrow at 7pm... if you don't mind.

Me-Sure I'll tell my parents about it.

Why did I just say that? I'm such an idiot. Great I'm going to meet his mother and sister. They will probably hate me when they find out.How am I even suppose to tell Stephen for out loud! I need to take a shower and do my homework.

What the fuck am I thinking! how is homework and a shower suppose to help!I need to stop thinking about this.

After I did my homework I started thinking about my future. What am I suppose to do? I can't take care of a baby. I'm still a teenager in high school. At least I'm graduating this year but unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to go to college.

I put my hand on my stomach and started rubbing it softly. I can't believe this is happening. I can't get rid of my baby,he or she needs me and I would never even think of doing that.

I went downstairs to get something to eat. I was about to open the fridge until I heard the door open and jumped.When the door opened,I saw my brother.

"Hey Kat."Chris said.

"Hey."I said. He kept staring at me like he was keeping something from me.Like he wanted to tell me something but at the same time,didn't.

"What are you hiding?"I questioned.

"What are you talking about...I'm not keeping anything from you."Chris said,giving me no eye contact.

I knew he was lying,because he couldn't stop looking at me.He awkwardly does that when he's nervous.

"I know when your lying.... spill it..."I said.

"Fine...remember the morning that I was staying at my friends house because I was drunk and they had a party?" He asked.

"Yeah I remember."I said.

The only reason why I remembered was is because,that was the night I had sex with Stephen.Even though I regret being irresponsible,it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy every second of it.

"Well I saw someone familiar at that party,and I had stayed there because I felt like I had to know if she was safe,but she ended up leaving with someone....."he said.

"Who was the person,Chris?"I asked curiously.

"Baby sis....it was you that I saw at the party."He said.

I thought I was about to puke. He saw me with Stephen... he saw me drinking and dancing on Stephen! Chris could tell that I was pale and I proably looked like I was gonna puke too.

"Sis are you ok?"He asked.

"Yeah I---I'm fine."I'm said.

"Don't worry sis,I won't tell mom or dad if you don't tell mom about me staying over there."He said.

"I won't tell them."I said.

"Ok." He said. He grabbed his keys and went up to his room.

Holy shit!He was there at the party. I need to sit down before I faint . I grabbed some chips and sat down at the table thinking about today. Why is my life horrible sometimes???

After I finish my chips I went upstairs and went to my room. As I was walking to my room I had to tell Christopher what happened.

"Hey... Stephen invited us to his house to meet his mom."I said.

"Cool sis."he said. I went out of his room and went to my room.I wouldn't say things were awkward but I also wouldn't say it wasn't either.

I need to text my mom and tell her. All of sudden I hear the door open so I went downstairs thinking it was my mom but instead it was my dad.

"Hey dad."I said.

"Hey Kitty Kat."He said.

"So Dad,Stephen invited us to go to his house tomorrow at 7 to meet his mom."I said.

"Oh,ok.I'll tell your mother about it and by the way,where is she?" He asked.

"She went with her friends. She should be home soon." I said.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8pm. I was already tired so I decide to go to sleep.

"Goodnight dad."I said.

"Oh,wait!I almost forgot. Sweetheart,I got you something from my business trip in New York." He said.

He got out a teddy bear from his work bag that had a "I heart New York" shirt. I was holding the bear until I felt something in his shirt. I grabbed it and saw it was 250 dollars. I looked at him with a happy smile on my face.

"Thank you soo much dad!" I screamed.

"Your welcome sweetie.Just do me a favor and don't tell your brother nor your mom." He said whispered.

"Ok I won't."I whispered back while we giggled.

I love my dad.We always had that father and daughter bond. I kinda didn't even want to take the money,becuase of how guilty I felt about me being pregnant. Would he be mad at me?I honestly still couldn't even believe this is happening.

I went upstairs and laid down on the bed,trying to go to sleep. I felt my eyes closing until I got a text on my phone.

Stephen- Goodnight baby.

Me-Goodnight babe. Love ya.

I put my phone away and drifted into my deep sleep.

Hope you enjoyed!Awwww....ISN'T THAT BEAR FREAKING ADORBS!?!!


。a wonderful day.


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