Our New Home

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I thought we were gonna go to my parents house but we went a different way.

"Hey,where are we going?"I asked.

"Somewhere."Stephen said.

"Yeah sweetheart."My mom said with a little grin.

We went to this pretty apartment that's not too far away and it looks amazing.

"Now,where are we?"I asked again.

I kept asking questions but no one would listen to me. I got Sean out of the car seat and Stephen got Scarlett. We went inside this beautiful apartment and it had a little bit of furniture already inside.

"What is this?"I asked.I'm a very curious person so of course I'm gonna ask a million questions.

"It's our apartment."Stephen said.


"Katherine,this lovely place is you guys apartment."My dad said.

"What do you mean?!?!"I said.I knew what he meant but I want the details.

"I bought this apartment for all of us but we still need to pay rent every month."Stephen said.

"Also,if the both of you need any help with money or anything,we are here."My mom said.

"Thank you so much.I love it."I said smiling like crazy.

"If you need anything,and I mean ANYTHING at all, call me. You guys have a nice day. Oh and by the way,we set up the babies furniture."My dad said.

"Thanks mom and dad."I said giving them a hug.

"You guys have a nice day too."Stephen said before my parents left.I walked around the apartment while Stephen put the babies in the crib.

"Do you really like the apartment Kat?"He asked wrapping his hands around my waist from behind with his head on my shoulder.

"Yes,it's absolutely beautiful.I am truly happy."I said,setting my hands on top of Stephen's hands.

"Hey,let's invite your friends over because I'm gonna invite the guys so they can check it out."He said.

Stephen invited Jason, Tyler, and Alex while I invited Jennifer, Cecy, Sabrina, and Jessica.

"Hi guys.It's been a while!"I said to the boys,giving them each a hug.

"Hey Katherine..how are you feeling?"They asked.

"I'm fine....do you guys want to meet Sean and Scarlett?"I asked,which they all agreed to.

I walked them to the crib and they saw them.

"Their so beautiful Katherine. Can I hold them?"Jason and Tyler asked.

"Yeah,of course."I said.

I heard the door bell ring and went to the door to go open it.

"Hey guys."I said.

"Hey bestie."They all said.Did they rehearse that or something?

"Where are the babies?"Sabrina asked in a crazy/killer way.

"Uh....In the nursery."I said,creeped out.

"The guys are in there too."I said to Jennifer and Jessica.

"Yeah,Jason told me he would be here and he sent me a photo of him holding the babies."Jennifer said, showing me the picture.

"Sooner or later,one day you're gonna have kids with him."I said.

"Yeah,they are gonna be so adorable.Just don't tell him about this,he already has a big ego."Jennifer said.Yeah,he would proabally say,"The child is definitely gonna have his/her good looks from me" or "Jennifer is lucky to have children with this sizzling piece of bacon".

"Yeah same with me.Alex said he wants to have kids after college and they are gonna be half British!"Jessica said excitedly.

"Man we need boyfriends!"Sabrina said to Cecy.

"Yeah,we need to find a 'killer' like boyfriend for Sabrina.That's definitely her type."Cecy said.

"RUDE!!!"Sabrina yelled,throwing a nearby pillow at her.

We all started laughing and we went to the baby's rooms. Alex was holding Scarlett while Stephen took a picture of them two.

"Aww."I said.

"She's beautiful,just like you Katherine.Thank god she doesn't look like this one."Alex said pointing to Stephen.

"HEY!!!"Stephen said.

I started laughing and Stephen gave me a death glare. We all ordered a pizza and went to the living room to watch a movie.

"Hey,so are you guys going to prom next week?"Sabrina asked.

"Um...I don't know."I said.

"Well you are very lucky that you have the best fiance in town because I already asked your parents if they could watch Scarlett and Sean so we can go to prom.You already have your dress that you bought a long time ago and I have a tux so there's no worrying about that."He said.

"Okay,I guess we are going to prom."I said.

"Yeah,can you believe that in three weeks we are graduating. I'm gonna miss you guys."Cecy said.

"We are still gonna be there for each other no matter what."Jennifer said.

"Yeah,we always will."I said.

We went back to eating and watching the movie. They all went back home and me and Stephen cleaned the place.

"What do you want to do now?"I asked.

"I can think of one thing."He said giving me a kiss.His hands slowly reached my hips and he held me tight. We had a long passionate kiss until we broke the kiss because the babies woke up.

"I'll get the bottle,you feed Scarlett."Stephen said.

After we fed the kids,changed their diapers, and took them a sponge bath, we went to bed.

"This room looks amazing."I said.

Yeah your mom and my mom helped me out."Stephen said.

I smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

"I love my life, you, and the kids."I said.

"I love you too and the kids.I wouldn't want it any other way"He said.

I went to take a shower and went to bed. Stephen and I cuddled for the night.

My life is complete.
I Hope you enjoyed!Yayy,they got a apartment!


。a wonderful day.


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