How Dare You

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*A week later*

Right now,I'm getting ready to go to the movies with Zoey,the girl I met at the hospital the other day.I went downstairs,grabbed my things and went out the door. I got in my car and went straight to the movie theater. Zoey texted me a little while after and she said that she would meet me there.

When I got there,I looked around and I saw Zoey with a cute sundress.We decided to see "daddy's home".

We paid for the tickets and the snacks... well more like everything they had.We got nachos,hotdogs,popcorn,candies, and sodas. We weren't embarrassed about how hungry we were,even if the cute cashier looked at us crazy.

We went to find some comfortable seats and we relaxed to the "first looks on the latest version of movies or tv shows".After about thirty minutes,the movie finally showed,and we couldn't stop laughing at the movie.It was to the point where we had to pee really bad.

When the movie was over we decided to go to the game room that they had since her parents weren't here yet. When I was finally about to beat her,she all of a sudden froze and hid right behind me.

"What's wrong Zoey?"I asked.

"The--that guy right there...yeah,over there... is the baby's father."She said signing.

Wow,he is basically a bad boy in black clothes!He was on the left of us in the corner,talking to his friends. When he looked up,he looked straight at Zoey.When he noticed it was her,he looked at her hiding behind me and decided to call her.

"Zoey."He said.

She tried so hard to not look back but she did. "Hey Ethan."She said softly.

"So...have you thought on what you want to do,because I'm definitely not taking care of this baby."He said.

Wow what an ass!

"I've decide to keep it,because It's my baby and I'm gonna be a responsible adult for it."She said.

When I heard muffling noises,I started to realize that his friends kept on whispering to him.What are they being so secretive about?!?!

Maybe he actually wants the baby,but his friends are forcing him out of it.Convincing the living day light out of him!


After that awkward moment,Zoey and I left the theater and started walking around so we could waste time.

"Every time he is with his friends,he doesn't give a shit about me but when he's alone....I feel like all he cares about is just me.I just don't get it!"She said.

Wow,I was right about that.

"Maybe he will come around when he finds his brain,and realize that he needs to help you...and his baby."I said,reassuringly.

"Your right."She said,nodding her head.

Her parents came and she introduce them to me. They seemed like nice people,but I couldn't stay and chat very long because I had to get home.

I got in my car and went directly home. I walked in and saw my brother getting something to eat. I went up to him and he just stared at me,until I slapped him.

"What the hell was that for!!!"He yelled,while holding his cheek.

"For not defending me right in front of your 'girlfriend' the way I think you need a new one because she looks like a fucking hooker."I said.

"Damn!Maybe she was right!You do deserve to be called a slut,because look at you're freaking pregnant!!!My girlfriend may have fooled around a few times,but at least she's not having a baby."He yelled at me.

I started to cry and I punched Chris right in the face. My parents literally came downstairs right after.

"What's going on?"My dad said sternly.

He looked at me,and then at Chris's bleeding and bruised face.

"What happen?"My mom said running up to him.

"I slapped Chris,because he didn't defend me when his girlfriend called me a slut!He also confirmed that I was a slut because I'm I punched him."I said.

"Look you two!Go to your room.... NOW!!!."My dad yelled.

Well....I feel like a five year old.While I headed up the stairs,I could hear my parents saying how we still act like little kids,but believe or not,Chris deserves that. That night,I cried myself to sleep... I'm not gonna talk to him until he apologize about what he said...

which is proabally gonna be never....
I Hope you enjoyed!Do you think Chris will ever apologize???


。a wonderful day.


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