The Doctor Visit

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We walked inside the big building and headed towards the elevator. I was looking at the sign,so I could find where my mom's doctor could be at.

4th floor..

I have a tiny fear of heights so, hopefully I'll be ok.

"Sweetheart,are you okay?"My mom asked.

"Yeah,I'm fine."I said.

We walked inside the elevator and went to the 4th floor. I'm kind of scared now that I think about it.We walked at the end of the hallway and went inside a door. Is it me or is it hot in here??

I sat down at the waiting room while my mom went to sign me in. I see a few ladies here but some are old ,and some are young. My mom came to sit down and told me that we should be called soon.

"Ok Katherine,I know your scared because I can tell,but your gonna be fine.Their just gonna confirm that your pregnant and how many weeks the baby is."My mom said,reassuringly.

"Are you sure?"I asked.

"Yes,I'm sure. Katherine....I've been here before,when I had you and Christopher. The doctor even delivered both of you. She is a nice and sweet doctor. You will love her."My mom said,smiling.

"Ok,great."I said,smiling back lightly.

*15 minutes later*

"Katherine May."A nurse said.

My mom and I got up and followed the nurse to a scale. She weighted me and checked my blood pressure. She also checked my heartbeat. After she did that she took me to a room.

"The doctor will be right with you in a few."She said,closing the door.

We waited and waited for the doctor to come. After a while,there was a knock at the door.

"Hi,I'm sorry that you had to wait so long.My name is Dr. Montgomery and you must be Mrs.May. What are you doing here?"She asked looking at the papers.

"Don't worry,I'm not pregnant. Remember 17 years ago when you delivered my baby?Well this is her, Katherine."My mom said.

"Hi."I said shyly.

"Oh,don't be shy.What are you here for?"She asked.

I looked down and she knew what was going on.

"Oh sweetheart.. your pregnant,aren't you?"she asked.

"Yes."I said.

"Well...things happen,but now you have to be responsible."She said.

"I know."I said softly.

"Well,I'm going to take you to the blood test room and ask you a few questions. You can stay here Kim."She said.

"Ok."I said.

I walked with Dr. Montgomery to the blood room.

"Ok,do you remember when you had your last period?"She asked.

"It was about a month ago."I said,sitting down on the chair besides me.

"Ok,when was the last time you had sex?"She asked.

"Uhhh.... a month ago as well."I said,getting kinda of shy.

"Ok,don't worry... it's not like I'm gonna tell your mom."She smiled.

I started laughing. She seems like a very nice person.

"Does the father know about your pregnancy?"She asked curiously.

"Yes,he knows already. He found out yesterday."I said,rubbing my hands together.

"Ok,that's good.... when did you find out that you were pregnant?"She asked.

"On last Thursday."I said.

"Ok. Have you felt any symptoms like nausea, heartburn, throwing up, and have you felt like you've gain weight or felt your boobs getting bigger."She asked,writing on peices of paper.

"To be honest to you,I have had all of those symptoms."I said.

"Ok.It's normal to have them."She said,trying to still convince me that I don't have to be worried.

She took my blood,and I hate needles a lot so I took it like a soldier.She also made me pee in a cup and ran some tests.When she was finish,she took me back into the room where my mom was.

"Ok,I will call you this week to tell you your results.Have a nice day."She said,while we left.

"Thank you Dr. Montgomery."I said.

"Your welcome sweetie."She smiled and waved.

My mom and I walked out,and we went on the elavotor to get back on the 1st floor. We got into the car and stopped at a fast food place to get some food.When we got our food,we went home and I went straight upstairs to my room. After eating,I went to sleep.I was unbelievably tired.

***5 hours later***

I felt people talking in my room so I opened my eyes,to see my crazy ass friends.

"What are all four of you guys doing in my room?"I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Hey.We came to see you and our baby sister or brother."Jessica said.Why do they keep on saying that?

"Really guys?"I asked,sitting up.

"Yep."Jennifer said,sitting besides me.

"So,how did it go?"Sabrina asked.

"It went fine.She will call me soon to tell me the results."I said.

"That's good,but how did your parents and brother react?"Cecy said,probably thinking the worst.

"They were fine about it,but my brother hit
Stephen in the face."I said,cringing.

"Damn!"Jennifer said.

"Yeah,his face is fine though."I laughed.

"Hey,can we stay here for a while."Cecy asked.

"Yeah sure."I said.

We all talked about the new gossip at school,we watched Netflix and we played minecraft for a while.

*8 hours later*

"Hey,we're gonna leave since it's getting late,and you need your rest."Sabrina said,getting up from my bed.

"Ok,guys"I said,getting sad because they were leaving.

"Ok,goodnight Katherine."They all said to me.

"Goodnight guys."I said.

I close the door and went upstairs to go take a shower and go to bed.Being Pregnant is more exhausting than I thought!
I Hope you enjoyed!If you haven't already,check out our new book,"the Runaway"!


。a wonderful day.


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