The Graduation

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Katherine POV

Omg!Today is the day we are graduating!I woke up from my alarm and woke up Stephen.

"No mom,I don't want to wake up."Stephen said,moving around.

"First off,I'm not your mom.Don't be going all kinky on me now,secondly, don't you want to graduate!?!"I said.

"Ok I get it.I'm up.I'm up."He said,slowly raising out of the bed.

"Come on,let's go wake up the kids and change them."I said.

We went into the nursery to wake them up. Of course they started crying. I changed Scarlett into a pink little dress and Stephen changed Sean into an suit which they looked so adorable in. I went to put on a white dress with gold on the top and Stephen put on a white shirt with a black tie and jacket. He looked so always. We put on our gowns which were black,for the color of our school. We went to this giant stadium,and our parents met us there at the stadium.I saw the girls wearing their dresses and and the guys wearing their suits,along with their graduation gowns.

"I can't believe this,we are actually graduating high school!"Jessica said excitingly.

"I can't believe I'm saying this,but fuck you high school!I kicked your ass!"Jennifer said. We all started laughing but stopped because people started staring at us.

"Guys,our school is gonna be live on tv and on the website so Sabrina and Jessica,be on your fucking best behavior and don't fall Sabrina."Cecy said,walking like she owned the place.

"Ok,just because I'm clumsy doesn't mean I'm going to fall."Sabrina said,while almost falling.

"Dumbass,you almost fell!"I said,laughing.

"Fuck you."Sabrina said,giving me the middle finger.

Later,we met the guys,and Cecy and Sabrina lit up like a Christmas tree when they saw Dave and Alex. I started laughing and went to look for my parents and my kids.When I found them,I saw my parents tearing up a little.

"Why are you guys crying?I haven't even walked on stage yet."I said,chuckling.

"I'm so happy for you Katherine."My mom said,hugging me.

"I know."

My mom started taking pictures of me until I saw Christopher behind them,looking a bit blue.

"What's wrong?"I said going up to him.

"You're already graduating.The last I remember, I was taking your candy and eating it."He said.

"Yeah....and you still owe me candy."I said. He laughed and gave me a big hug.Then he went to my dad to go get Sean so he could carry him and I went back to Stephen.

"This is it."I said,squeezing his hand.

"It is. Well let's go inside and take our seats."He said.

"Wait before we do,let's take a picture of us and the kids."I said.

"Ok."He said.

We went to take a quick picture of Stephen and I holding Sean and Scarlett. After taking the picture,we went inside so we can be in alphabetical order. I saw Rebecca ready to pop.

"Hey."I said.

"Hey Katherine,how have you been?"She asked.

"Good.You look like your gonna pop soon."I said,giggling.

"Yeah,four more weeks. Can you by any chance be there when the baby's born?"She asked nervously.

"Of course."I said,with a hand on her shoulder.

"Ok well,I got to go.I'll text you later."She said.

"Ok,bye Rebecca."I said.

As I got in line I saw Christian.

"Hey."He said.

"Hey.How you been?"I asked.

"Good.I'm excited for the baby girl. How's you and your little family?"He asked.

"Good. I can't believe we are graduating."I said.

"Yeah,it's just like yesterday,when I met you at the party. Wow,its weird how much time flies."He said.

"Yeah,that was one weird party."I said.

"Yep...and um...hey....friends forever?"He asked with his hand out.

"Yeah,friends forever."I said shaking his hand.

He left to get in his spot and finally the speaker came on. We walked when the song came on. I started to tear up because I honestly couldn't believe it.High school happened so fast and most of my dreams came true.Well,except for getting pregnant,but you never know what to expect and it all turned out pretty well.

I went to my seat and was so happy. When they called the girls and Stephen name I screamed.When they called my row we lined up and started walking to the stage. They called my name and I walked across the stage to get my diploma.Then I went around to go sit down. When I walked across the stage,I could hear everyone clapping and screaming. I sat down and couldn't believe it. I started crying and I was so happy.After they called everyone's name,we all stood up.

"Congratulations to the class of 2016."The principal said.

Everyone took off their hats and threw them in the air. Stephen came to me and kissed me.

I'm such a lucky girl to be marrying him.



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