Almost Troublemakers

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We woke up at the hotel and got dressed.

"Our parents are so gonna kill us."Stephen said.

"True but it's not like we did anything bad...wait,well we sort of already did."I said.

We got all out stuff and left the room. We checked out of the hotel room and went straight back home.

"What are you gonna tell your parents?"Stephen asked,turning his head towards me.

"I'm gonna tell them the truth,except for the part about me and you in the middle of the ocean making out."I said,laughing.

"Wait your gonna tell them the truth?"He said,raising his eyebrows.

"Well yeah... first of all I'm a horrible liar.Second,they are gonna find out sooner or later,and Third,we are two responsible adults that have to take this serious,even though we did nothing bad."I said.

"Ok,I see your point.Well,I guess I'll see you on Monday and I'll text you later.Love you babe." Stephen said,pulling up to my house.

"Love you too."I got out of the car and went inside my house.

I couldn't even make it all the way in my house before I heard my father's voice."YOUNG LADY WHERE HAVE YOU'VE BEEN?!?!?"My dad yelled,with his hands on his hips.

"Don't worry.I was with Stephen. After the date we got tired and we didn't feel like driving so we got a hotel room."I said.

My father was so furious to the point where he looked like a tomato.


"Look dad,I'm fine and I'm an adult about to have a baby soon. You don't have to treat me like a child."

"I get that,but your still a
teenager.Just because your having
a baby,doesn't make you a full adult.It just makes you responsible for the child."

He had a point,but he still shouldn't treat me like a child.

"Ok,but I'm fine and next time if this happens then I will let you know that I'm safe."I said.

"Ok,well go to your room."He said. I went upstairs to my room and laid down on my bed. I called the girls and told them to come over because I have a lot to tell them.I'm just glad mom wasn't the one who caught me instead of dad.Thank the lord that she was at work,instead of giving me a 9 hour speech on responsibility.

*15 minutes later*

"Hey guys."I said.

"Hey."They all said.

I told the girls what happened today and yesterday.

"Holy shit!You did that scene from twilight!"Sabrina said,shocked.

"Yeah,pretty much. I felt happy and safe with him."I said,blushing.

"Yup.... Sabrina we need dates for prom."Cecy said.

"Yes,we really do."Sabrina said.

"Me and Jennifer and I have dates.They're Stephen friends."Jessica said.

"Yeah,they are really cool and funny guys.The best actually."Jennifer said.

"Lucky..... hey Katherine do you think you could hook us up with some football players?"Cecy asked.

"Yeah,sure. I'll tell Stephen at school."I said.

"Ok...we need to find a short guy for Sabrina."Cecy said.

"Fuck you!"Sabrina said.

We all started laughing about everything and started making fun of each other,until Jennifer got a text from someone.

"Hey look,there's a party going on. Should we go?"She asked.

"Yeah."They all said except me. They all looked at me.

"You guys can go... I'll be fine.You guys go have fun,but not too much because then you'll end up like me."I said,laughing.

"You sure?"Jessica asked.

"Yeah."I said.

"Ok,well let's go then."Jessica said excited.

"Wait!Before you guys go,tell me if Stephen is gonna be there and make sure he doesn't do anything."I said.

"Ok.We will make sure."Cecy said,rolling her eyes.

They left and I went to go take a shower so I could get ready for bed. When I got in the bed,I got a text from the girls.

"Hey....don't worry,Stephen isn't here.... Alex said that he stayed home because something happened to his sister."Jessica said.

"Ok thanks."I said. I immediately texted Stephen to see what happened.

" sister fainted but she's fine.... she hasn't ate anything this entire day."He said.

"Well at least she's ok.Tell her I said,I hope she feels better. Goodnight babe."I said.

"I will.Goodnight baby."He said.

I got in bed and went to sleep.
I Hope you enjoyed!😀😁😊☺😃😄😆😉😍😋😙😗😘😚😝😜😛🙋🙌EMOJI!LOL


。a wonderful day.


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