Advice And Kicking

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I got ready for school,even though I really don't feel like going. I got some blue jeans and a nice shirt to wear. I went to the restroom and putted on some light makeup. Then I got my bag and went downstairs to eat some breakfast.On my way downstairs, I saw my dad making his lunch for work.

"Hey sweetie."He said,looking up from his sandwich.

"Hey dad."I said. I grabbed a bowl and some cereal.

"So,have you bought anything for the babies yet?"He asked.

"Yeah,but only some."

"Okay.Well tell me when you or Stephen are going to buy the crib, because I'm gonna chip in some money for that."

"Dad,you don't have too do that.Plus,I still have the money you gave me from New York."

"Keep that for the future sweetie because you might need it one day, but I'm gonna do what's best for my grand children.By the way,nice way to beat your brother...I knew he wasn't gonna be the first one to have kids."He said shaking his head.

"Aww dad,your gonna make me cry and yeah I knew that I was gonna be first.Chris can barely handle himself."We both laughed."Well I better get going,bye dad."

I grabbed my stuff and went out the door. I got in my car and drove to school.When I arrived,I parked my car and went inside.

"Man this is gonna be a long day."I said softly to myself.When I was walking down the hallway,I saw the girls and they looked pretty worried.

"What's wrong?"I said,reaching up to them.

"There's something going on at the end of the hallway has something to do with Rebecca."Jennifer said.

I started walking down the hallway until I saw Rebecca run to the restroom. The girls and I followed her and told everyone that was in there to politely leave for a second.We even told them it was a SGD,aka "Serious Girl Drama".

"Rebecca,you ok?"I asked.

"I told Christian the truth."She said crying.Of course the girls looked at me confused,since Rebecca only told me about the situation.

"What truth,Rebecca?"Jessica asked.

Everyone was silent,until she finally said those two words.

"I'm pregnant."She said.

The girls were shocked.

"How did Christian take it?"Sabrina asked.

"It's not his's someone else's, but he doesn't go to this school."She said.

"Rebecca,you should go home and not worry about this.Christian will come around if he truly loves you,but don't pressure him,because this is proabally hard for him to take in.You just need to worry about the baby though "I said.

"Yeah."Cecy said.

"Okay."She said crying.

We left the restroom to go to class while Rebecca went home to calm herself down.


We went home since we had fillers. I went back home and there was no one there,so I texted Stephen to come over later on.I started watching movies and eating and after that,I did my homework and showered.I soon fell asleep on the couch for 2 hours,while I was watching Lifetime.

*2 hours later*

I woke up from a knock at the door and assumed it was Stephen.To find out,It was actually Christian.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"I came to talk to you. May I come in?"He asked.

I opened up the door and let him come inside.He then sat on my couch.

"I can't believe she got pregnant with another guy,and I don't even know what to do because....I love her. Ever since I first met her I realized that she's the one for me but when I found out,I couldn't believe it but...I still love her so much."He said.

"Christian,if you truly love her then be a man and love her.Even if the baby isn't yours,you still need to love he or she the same,because it is a part of her no matter what."I said.

"Your right Katherine,I need to tell her that and still be with her no matter what obstacles get in our way. Thank you."He said giving me a hug.

"Your welcome."I said.

I heard the door open and completely ignored it. "What the hell is going on here?"Stephen asked,with his eyebrows raised up.

Oh shit...

"It's not what it looks like,I was just comforting him about the Rebecca situation.You know,that she's pregnant with another man's baby."

"Wait,that's true?That it's not his?"

"Yeah but,I'm gonna step up and be there for her."Christian said.

"That's good."Stephen said,patting Christian's shoulder.

"Yeah well,I better get going and go home.Thanks for the advice Katherine...bye Stephen,nye Katherine."He said walking out the door and into his car.

"Ok bye."Stephen said back."That was weird...but anyways,do you want to watch Deadpool in your room?"Stephen asked,excitedly.

"Sure."I said,laughing at him.

We went upstairs to watch the movie. I layed down on the bed and felt something hitting me.

"Oww."I said.

"What?I didn't do anything."He said.

"No look,feel it."I said,grabbing his hand and putting it on my stomach.

"Oh my god,the babies are kicking!"He said,smiling.

"Yeah."I said,putting my hands over his and smiling with him.

He put his arm around me and kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too."I said. We soon went back to watching the movie.
I Hope you enjoyed!What do YOU think Christian should honestly do?


。a wonderful day.


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