Our Future

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*Previously on breaking out of my shell*

"Hey,we are gonna go home and sleep. We will come back early in the morning. Stephen are you gonna stay?"Alexa asked.

"Yeah,I'm gonna stay but before you guys leave...."He said.

Stephen gave me a kiss. "I'm happy we finally have the kids. Their beautiful and I know we are gonna be with each other forever so would you do me a favor Katherine. Will you marry me?"Stephen asked getting down on one knee, opening a little box with a ring inside.
Katherine POV

I can't believe this is happening! Seeing him get down on one knee and opening the box made me cry. I felt like the world stopped.In the corner of my eye my brother was recording. I looked at Stephen still crying.

"Yes,I would love to marry you!"I said. He kissed me and slid the ring on my finger.Everyone was so happy for us.

After all of this,everyone got tired and left. The nurse took the kids to have them checked.

"I'm happy this is happening. You know everything happened so quickly but I'm glad."I smiled.

"I'm amazed by how fast time flies by.You know we also have prom in two weeks,and four weeks from now we are gonna graduate and don't get me started on college. You know,I love being in football but I was thinking..... since you're gonna need me with two kids,we should take online college classes.It will make it easier on us than paying a babysitter to watch our children.I prefer to do something like a company of technology or something else that really interest me as a career. It's better than doing football for the rest of my life,it's just a hobby to me."Stephen said.

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing,about us doing the college classes online.It's funny though,how everything did go by so fast. It's just like yesterday when you asked me on the first day of school if I had anxiety attacks and you helped me through everything. You know it's funny from how I was before and know,it's like I'm breaking out of my shell. I'm glad that I've changed I went from being a shy girl to becoming a better,more self-conscious person even though I got pregnant at 17. Our lives are gonna be different know."I said grabbing Stephen's hand.

"Yeah it is but hey,we're getting married.Not so soon,but maybe when the kids are at least one year old. I know that we are gonna be great parents."Stephen said hugging me.

"Yeah we are."

I'm kind of nervous about everything,like being a mom at such a young age. I'm gonna have to take care of two lives but I know in my heart that I will do a great job.After a while of me and Stephen talking to each other,I went to sleep from exhaustion.

*The next day *

I woke up from noises to see Cecy,Sabrina,Jessica,and Jennifer.

"Hey guys."I said sitting up.

"Where's the babies?"Sabrina asked.

"The nurse probably has them,they should bring them back soon."I said.

"Okay,so how was it?"Jessica questioned.

"What do you mean?"I asked confused.

"Like...the pain."Cecy explained.

"Oh,it still hurts like shit especially having two kids."

"I feel so bad for you."Jennifer said,sitting on the bed.

"Yeah,I feel bad for myself too...Has anyone seen Stephen?"I asked looking around the room.

"He went to get some food."Cecy informed me.

"What's the babies names?"Sabrina asked.

"Scarlett Adonia and Sean Anthony Garcia."I said.

"Awww."They all said.

"Yeah I know,and I have other news...guess whose gonna be Mrs.Garcia?"I said smiling like a idiot.

"Wait what....I'm confused."Jessica said.

"STEPHEN PROPOSED!!!!"Cecy yelled.

"OMG Congrats!!"They all squealed.

"Bro that's amazing...wait I'm invited to the wedding right?"Sabrina asked.

"Pendeja,of course she's gonna invite us."Cecy said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah,of course I am.How can I not,you guys are my girls."I said.

The nurse came in with the babies and they immediately went to hold them. The nurse left and I saw Zoey and Rebecca come inside soon after.

"Hey."They both said.

"Hi guys."I said.

I saw Heather and got to hold her.

"She's gotten bigger since the last time I've seen her,hasn't she?"I said.

"Yeah.She actually did."Zoey said.

Rebecca and Zoey got to hold Sean and Scarlett and they were so happy. Stephen came back with food and we all ate.

"Hey babe,the nurse said that you can leave today."Stephen said.

I went to take a shower while Stephen took care of the babies. After I finished the shower I changed and fed the babies. My parents picked us up and Stephen put the babies in the car seats. We got everything and left.

I'm really glad this happened.
I Hope you enjoyed!YAYYY!They are getting married!


。a wonderful day.


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