I Really Did Do It!

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I woke up with the sun in my face and I put the covers over my head.I was about to go back to sleep until I noticed I was laying on top of a body!That's when I realized.OMG I did not just have sex with Stephen!My parents are gonna kill me!I looked around and I checked my phone and saw it was six in the morning.Oh no!

Stephen started moving around and I hurriedly got up and changed quickly. I never thought that I would lose my virginity at the age of seventeen.

It's not that the night wasn't perfect because it totally was!Nor is it because of the person I had it with because if I could loose my virginity to any one,it would be Stephen,no doubt.It's just that I didn't think I would be loosing it so soon.

"Good morning baby." Stephen said.

"Good morning babe." I said smiling even though I'm kind of freaking out.

He got up and started putting on his clothes that he had on yesterday as well and while he was changing,I couldn't help but stare.

"I had an amazing night." He said whispering in my ear. I got chills when he said that. I now get,why we did,what we did yesterday.He just turns me on so much!

He gave me a peck on the lips and left becuase he didn't want his mom worrying about him.

After he left,I went to take a shower. My parents are coming back from there business trip tonight and I want to clean the house before they get back. Thankfully,Christopher didn't come back last night.

I texted Christopher because he hasn't came back and I'm starting to get worried even though he is my big bro and he can take care of his self.

Me- Hey bro.Are you ok?You didn't come back last night so I got worried.

Christopher- Yeah.I'm fine.I was with my friends partying until I got a little wasted and decided to stay there.

Me-Oh ok.Just remember to be here before mom and dad come home.

Christopher- Ok I'll be there.

I went upstairs to grab the cleaning stuff and started to sweep and mop the house.While I was cleaning,I started thinking.

Why am I such a good kid??? No let me rephrase that... Why am I a good kid,that just lost their virginity??? No that doesn't sound good either. How about, I was a good kid until I lost my virginity. Yep!That sounds better.

Someone should just grab a marker and write it all over my forehead.

Why can't I get this out of my mind. Maybe I need to sleep it off but that probably won't be good either.

You know what.I'm just gonna go on Netflix and watch a movie to keep my mind off of things.

When I was finished thinking about things that happened,I was already done cleaning the house.

Might as well watch a movie like I sugggested earlier. I started looking for a movie to watch until a movie caught my eyes. "The loft" caught my attention.

It's about five men who are having affairs with there wives by sneaking around and meeting other womens in a loft until someone frames them and one day they walk into their loft with a dead lady on the bed. This movie was so addicting I kept rewinding it over and over again.

After watching that movie, I looked at the time and saw it was 4pm. Wow.Time does fly,as I like to say.

I went through Netflix to find another movie to watch and it ended up being this movie called "Cyberbully", which is about this girl who gets bullied online and at school.

I know how it felt when she got bullied because when I was friends with Rebecca she would bully me because her father left her mother and I actually had a mom and dad who loved me.She acted like I was the one who did that to her.She was hurting in the inside so she took it all out on me and started bullying me.

All those things she said hurted really bad but now I'm happy because I have someone who loves me and cares about me.I also have new friends who are great and likes me for me.

I heard the door open and looked up to see my brother Christopher.

"Hey sis.Look what I brought." Chris said.

Sometimes I love my brother even though he can be an ass sometimes. Thank god he brought pizza!I'm starving!

"Yayyy!You're the best!"I yelled and hugged my brother tightly.

"I know,I know"He laughed.

I opened the pizza box and grabbed two slices while my brother grabbed four slices.He's such a fatass.

"So sis,how's your day?" Chris said while sitting besides me.

Uh oh.Should I tell him?Wait ewww,no I can't tell him!He would kill Stephen then bring him back to life and then kill him again!I like my boyfriend in one price!Not many!

"It's been a good day." I said nervously,making no eye contact.I had to lie and not tell him.

"That's good."Chris said.

All of a sudden,we heard the door open.

"Hey guys.We're back."It's my parents. Yay! (I really hope you heard the sarcasm).

I walked up to my parents and gave them a big hug. After I let them go, they were impressed with the house and that I clean it for them.

Yeah theire impressed with that but they won't be impressed when they find out I opened my legs to Stephen.

Fuck why can't I just let this go. Someone please hit me with a baseball bat.Literally!

After eating and greetings,my parents went to bed becuase they said they were exausted from their plane trip.

After a while,I went upstairs and laid down on my bed. I still can't believe this happened but maybe I'll forget about this sooner or later.Or at least not think of it as such a big deal that I can't seem to forget.

Shit!I forgot!I have one last day until summers over and I'm gonna be in 12th grade.

My last year in hell.

At least I can get out early. If you get this class called "fillers", you get to leave school early at 12:30 which is great!

I felt my eyes get heavy and I soon fell into a deep sleep.
I Hope you enjoyed!Do you think Christopher wil find out?And if so,will Stephen be in one peice?


。a wonderful day.


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