Is It possible

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No!It can't be true!What Sabrina said can't be correct!I can't be pregnant!I got my time of the month,a week or 2 before I did the,three word thing.

"I can't be pregnant and I doubt I am. I'm going to have kids after I graduate from college and get married.Not now!"I said.

"Ok,so I just Googled that if you have sex ,you should check in two weeks in order to see if you're pregnant. So in the next two weeks we are gonna buy you a pregnancy test." Sabrina said.

"Pinche (fucking) Sabrina,you're gonna scare her to death! Just shut up! Someone please give me duck tape."Cecy said.

"Katherine are you okay?"Jennifer asked.

"I'm fine.Don't worry about me and you know what,I'm not afraid.I will take a pregnancy test and I promise you,I'm not pregnant."

"You sure Katherine?"Jessica asked worried.

"Yeah.I'm not afraid."I said.

I looked at my phone and saw it was 1:00.

"Hey guys,I have to get home soon."I said.

"Ok just do me and Sabrina a favor.... can you take us home?"Cecy asked.

"Yeah,sure.I'll take you guys home."

"Thanks!"They both said at the same time.

"No prob."I said smiling.

I dropped them off at their house and went straight home. I got inside the house and went upstairs to my room. I layed down on my bed thinking,is it possible for me to be pregnant?I can't take care of a child at this age. I'm technically still a child until I hit eighteen.That's when I'm finally an adult. I'm scared to take the test. What if it's positive??? No it can't be. I'm screwed if my parents find out about this. How will Stephen react to this??Will he never want to be with me if I do become pregnant??

You know what.I need to stop thinking about this.He will love me the same with or with not a child.All this over thinking is literally giving me a headache. I'm just gonna take a shower and go to sleep.

I grabbed some clothes and went into the shower. After I was done with my shower I looked at my phone to see what time it was.2:30 pm. Stephen will probably be out soon unless he has practice after school.Let me just sleep all this off.Maybe me and the girls are just exaggerating about things.Soon,my eyes shut and sleep overtook me.

~15 minutes later~

I heard the front door open and I started to panic.Is someone in the house?My parents are on date and Chris is with his group of friends. I went into Chris room to grab his baseball bat and started to tip toe downstairs.I peeked behind the wall and I saw someone opening the fridge.I really couldn't see who it was because all the lights were off.I was this close to hitting the person with the bat until the person grabbed it.

"What the hell is wrong with you Katherine?You could have killed me!"Chris said with wide eyes.

"God damn it Chris!Why the hell didn't you warn me you were coming home!I thought you were with your little "groupies"! I was coming down here with a fucking baseball,ready to kill you!By the way,nice reflexes."I said setting the bat on the counter.

"Our plans ended early so I decided to come home and also.....were you gonna kill me with MY baseball bat?."Chris asked with his eyebrows up.

"Yes,yes I was."I said,sort of laughing.

"So sis.What do you want to do on this rainy day?"Chris asked.

I looked out the window and saw it was starting to rain.

"I don't know.Do you want to watch T.V?"I asked.

"Sure,I guess. You want to watch breaking bad?"

"Hell yeah!" I said,making us both laugh.

We started watching Breaking Bad on Netflix until it hit 5:30 pm. I heard the door open and saw my two loving parents. I gave my parents a hug and we all had dinner together.I was very happy to have some dinner,iv'e been starving since I got home.

"So,how was your first day of school Katherine?" My mom said.

"I actually had a good day.I met two new friends and they are very funny."I said.

"That's good sweetie."My dad said. At least they don't know that I might be pregnant. God damn it!I'm never gonna let this go. Fuck Sabrina!This is all her fault.She had to bring that up and now It's in my head at all times!Maybe it's not true though. I doubt it that I'm prego.

Well maybe I can't let this go until I know if it's true or not.So maybe I'll stop over thinking it when I get the results.

I went upstairs and went to sleep again.I've been so tired lately.

I Can't wait for the next day.I actually want to go to school tommorow. My friends and boyfriend will make this year great!They always make rainy days turn into rainbows.

This year is gonna be fun.... maybe....hopefully!Lets keep our fingers crossed.
Hope you enjoyed!Do you think kat is prego???


。a wonderful day.


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