Chapter 1- The first practice

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Ugh, this moment is like bittersweet for me. I'm excited that I have been given the opportunity to play on the varsity team, but at the same time I know all of these girls on the team are going to talk about me. It's been like this forever, it's not my fault I'm a good player.

The dismissal bell rings and I go over to Mr. Thomas' room and grab my bag from the corner closet, "Thank you Mr. Thomas!" I say. He replies with "No problem! Have a good practice. Oh and Ally?"

"Yes sir?"

"Don't let them scare you, focus on you."

"Thanks!" I leave his classroom and walk down to the west wing hallway. Before going into the gym I stop in the cafeteria to buy a gatorade. It still smells like today's lunch- Tacos. I hate Tacos. I put 1.50$ into the vending machine and press the button for Strawberry Gatorade. It gets stuck... of course. I give the machine a kick and the lunch lady gives me a look

"Um, It got stuck, what am I supposed to do?" I say to her. She shakes her head and walks away.

"okay" I mumble under my breath.

I finally make my way over to the gym. I walk into the gym which is surrounded by windows on all walls -since it was an addition to the school and I see what it looks like outside.

"The University of Florida sounds so good at this point."

It's disgusting outside. It's so cold and it's snowing; I  hate the winter.

You know I've been in this school for like 5 months already and I've never seen half of these girls in my life. I can hear all of the whispers around me,

"Look at her, she's puny."

"I don't know how these little ass girls expect to make it at this level" and my favorite,

"She thinks she's hot shit; I bet the coach only put her on the team cause she's pretty."

OKAY, sure. THAT'S why the coach put me on the team. I just want to get my shorts on and go stretch. I'm not here to make friends, if these girls want to be my friends then they can come and talk to me because I am not going out of my way for fake friends, that's just not me.

I put on my black spandex shorts, and over them I slip on my Under Armour black and neon pink shorts. I put on Nike Midrift work out top and tie my hair into a big messy bun.

"Thanks!" I shout before leaving

I leave the locker room with my softball bag in hand and I can feel the stares peircing my back. I brush it off and leave the locker room. To my surprise there are a ton of boys in the gym. A ton of very fine boys stretching. They're all barefoot and in basketball shorts. I look and look and look until I see this one guy, I mean I know who he is, his name is Alex; Alex Perez. He's in my art class, It started a week ago for the new semester and we ended up next to each other. He's really cute. He's hispanic and he has the sexiest eyes ever! It's not too often you see a Dominican boy with Hazel eyes. His hair bounces perfectly and is tightly coiled.

He's sitting on the wooden floor with his sneakers next to hie. He has his phone out and is scrolling through something. I make it a point to walk in front of him so he has to look up at me. As I walk by him, he looks up at me and I smile at him. He looks me up and down and does the same.

All of the sudden a loud hoarse voice interrupts the thoughts I'm having.

" Miss Tate!"

Alex looks at me and turns red, he smiles and looks away.

"Oh, Um hello, coach. I'm Allison, but I see you already know that"

"I know exactly who you are! We are very excited to have you as a part of team. After practice, I'll take you over to Trainer Bob'soffice. I'm sure he'll become one of your best friends! You'll have to go to loosen the knots in your shoulders and legs- we don't want to risk you getting injured!"

"Oh, well with all due respect sir, I've been playing for many years I don't think all of that will be necessary."

"Yes; but I can guarentee you one thing, you have not been pushed the way you will be pushed this season. Trust me."

"Okay... I guess."

"Oh Allison"

"Yes coach?"

"No messing with the boys during the season! They'll be in here everyday until the weather picks up. Control your hormones!"

Well that isn't completly awkward hearing from your male coach. I need to keep a low profile, if he noticed me checking him out there's no doubt that the girls will.

I put my bag down and I sit down on the floor, I'm sure to sit somewhere where Alex can see me without intereference and start putting on my pink and black Indoor Nike Cleats, the same ones I used to use for soccer. Once I have them on I stretch out my legs straight in front of me and lean forward, grabbing my toes with my hand and placing my head on my shins. I hold it for 10 seconds and when I lift up my head there stands Alex.

He grabs my hand and says "You know if you have a partner, it's a much better stretch, look."

He pulls me forward and stares into my eyes, "Feels good doesn't it?" he says in a sultry low voice.

"uummmhmmm" I manage to say.

"You know, I saw you checking me out over there."

"Um okay! In your dreams!" I say with a giggle.

"Oh, well. I was going to come over here and say that I was checking you out too, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear that."

I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks and I know I'm blushing. He looks at me and laughs a little.

"Anyway, my name is Alex. What may I have the pleasure of calling you?" He says as he helps me to my feet.

"My name is Allison. But most people just call me Ally. "

"I like Ally, it's short and cute."

"Thanks" I say with the dumbest smile ever.

"Well I would definitley like to get to know-"

"Perez! Get  over here; we don't have time for you to be fooling around with the softball players!"

"Well, that's my coach... How about we meet up after practice? We'll go out to eat or something. And you can give me your number."

"Sounds good. Man the teachers here really have no shame do they?"

"None whatsoever!" he says, "So I'll see you later?"

I nod my head as he trots off toward the rest of the team.

In the distance I can hear Alex's voice "All right boys! We need to make this season one worth remembering its mine, and much of the teams last year so we have to go out big. It's going to be hard to beat last year's record but we have strong defense and from what I've seen we have strong offensive men! We're making nationals this year and we're going to raise the money to take a great trip down to Miami! Is everybody down?! 1,2,3 TEAM"

Oh my god... He's a senior...

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