Chapter 11

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Allison's POV

The morning of the first day of school: (~ 4 weeks later)

I cannot believe that it's the first day of senior year! That's a huge deal; we run the school now! I went shopping and I'm all set for tomorrow. Jessie is over helping me pick out my back to school outfit and then after school we're going to Toppings for some frozen yogurt. Jessie is a girl that moved here ast year- she is one of my classes and we bonded over a dropped pencil, the rest is history.

"So, Ally, I have a question. Are you like in love with Alex?"

"I am. Well I think I am anyway."

"How do you know?"

"It's just a feeling. We've been together for 2 years and to this day every time I see him I get butterflies. I'm happier when I'm with him, and I feel like a better person. I could be having the worst possible day ever and the minute I talk to him, or see him, it's like the world's biggest weight being lifted off my shoulder."

"That's so cute Ally. So like; have you guys done anything? How far have you gone?"

"Oh honey! We have done it all!"



"I'm worried. I think Jason wants to go all the way but I don't think I'm ready to do anything. I know we're going to be 18 but I just don't think I'm ready to do anything; we've only been together for like 6 months. When did you guys... you know.."

"It was about 6 months or so in. It was prom night actually. I knew though that this was what I wanted to do. He never pressured me. Ever. He actually asked multiple times if I was sure that this was what I wanted to do."

"He never said anything?"

"Nope. Listen to me mamita, if he's pressuring you to do anything than he's definitley not worth your time. if he really does love you then he'll know that he needs to wait and he'll respect your boundaries."

"I guess so, but I just don't want him to leave me."

"Like I said, if he's worth it, he won't."

"I guess you're right."

I settle on a sleeveless button up with a pair of khaki capris and my black Toms. I flat iron my hair.

I grab my Chanel bag from the closet and head out into my new car! My mom surpised me with a 2011 fire red Civic!

The rest of the day goes on pretty normally. Teachers talked about the rules, regualtions, syllabus, bla, bla, bla. I always find first days hard because they're so tedious and long and repetitve.


2 Weeks later at school

The guidance counselors come into school to talk to us about planning for college. Little do they know that I've been driving myself crazy for the last month looking at colleges and stuff. I would like to apply to a school near Alex, but at the same time i have to do what's best for me, and Alex and I would be together for 2 years before he comes back home. After all of my research I'm really aiming at Pace University. It's gorgeous and has great programs. Some of the best in the state. After getting the lecture from the guidance people Jessie and I go out for lunch.

"Ally, did I tell you that I spoke with Jason? Turns out I just assumed that he wanted sex, he said that he noticed that I wore a priomise ring, and being religious himself he wouldn't bring it up iunless I did. It's a huge relief."

"Hmm, if you say so. What are you going to order?"

"I'll have a bacon cheeseburger. What are you ordering?"

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