Chapter 20

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Alex's POV

That ear piercing voice is one I would recognize anywhere. My eyes open wide and I can feel the blood drain from my face, leaving me pale and sickly looking. I look over at Ally and see fury burning in her eyes. She reaches down and places her hand on her stomach as if she's protecting our unborn babies from the evil wrath of the person whom the voice belongs to.

"Ally ignore it."

"Alex, she just called me a slut there's no way I'm going to stand here and take it."

"Allison." I say in a firm voice.

"Aw what's wrong, is the little pregnant whore sad? Are you just going to stand there? I guess your mouth doesn't open as often as your legs do."

Allison says, " Listen, it's been over two years, build a fucking bridge and get over it. You damn well know that I am not a whore and I'm sure you know Alex and I have been together for years. So do everyone a favor and get your head out of your ass, desperation and jealousy are not good looks."

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye I see her charge at Ally. She pushes her into the counter. Ally stumbles a little but quickly recovers, she takes one swing and hits her in the mouth, she flies backwards and onto the floor. She get up quickly and I grab her around the waist to restrain her. The the clerk calls security.

" Daisy, how dare you put your hands on her." I lead her over to the other side of the register. The cashier hands her a napkin to wipe the blood from her face. " What is your problem?!"

" Oh Alex, don't play dumb with me. I know you don't really want to be tied down to HER I'm only doing you a favor, no one wants to be in a relationship where the guy is constantly being followed around by other girls."

"Are you serious right now. She isn't tying me down, I want to be with her and I want to help her raise our babies. What we had was nothing. Face it, you were always just a booty call to me. Nothing more. Allison was never that. She means more to me than you ever did or will, I care more about the dirty on her shoes than I do about you."  

 The security guard, a young white man, about 6ft tall comes over and leads Daisy out of the store. I walk over to where Ally is being comforted by the store clerk. The woman has her arm around Ally when I walk over to them. Ally's head is buried in her hands, is so rare to see her front that I almost feel at a loss on what to do.

"Alex what of I would've fallen, or what if she hit my belly. She could have killed them!" says Ally through her sobs.

"Ally it's okay."

" No Alex it's not. I'm paying for this stuff and then we're going to the court house, I'm pressing charges."


At the courthouse- Allison's POV

The judge sees us right away since they deemed the incident enough to file an emergency restraining order.


The next day:

I got absolutely no sleep last night. Between all the drama that day and the nerves building up inside of me surrounded having to tell the parents today sleep was just not an option. I sneak out of bed because Alex is still sleeping. I go over to Ellie and tell and tell her to come eat breakfast. We go into the living room where Tito is folding up the pullout couch, Ellie leaves my side and runs over to Tito,

"Morning Daddy!"

"Good morning baby. Oh Ally, do you mind if Arabella comes over later? We're talking Ellie bowling later so I wanted to know of I could just bring her over? "

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