Chapter 14

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-The Next Day; Allison's POV-

Oh my god, what did my dad say to Alex? What if he said he can't ever come over again? I can't believe that we were so dumb.

After I brush me teeth I walk out of the bathroom and smell the strong scent of coffee and food. It smells amazing. I wonder what dad is cooking. I walk down the hallway on my toes, this damn wooden floor makes a lot of noise. I peek from behind one of the walls and look into the kitchen. Standing over the stove I see a guy. Not my father, but a 6'2 guy with black curls peeking from under his baseball hat.

"Alex!" I say as I run over to him and jump on him. "I thought you were going to get it last night." I say as I give him a kiss.

"I thought so too, but apparently your dad likes me more than I thought. He said I was a good kid and he said he trusts that if we are doing something you would not be doing it under his roof."

"He's right."

"Yea. I'm not sure we've ever had sex here. Anyway, I'm trying to stay on his good side and to do that I'm going to kiss his ass. Just a little. "

"You'll need a lot more of that in a few weeks."

"I know." He says as he rests his hand on my belly. " just a few more weeks."

My father comes out of the room and sits at the table, which has been set by Alex. "Oh what a nice surprise. Thank you."

"Alex did the whole thing."

"Hm. I appreciate the sucking up. But I need to have a serious talk with both of you."

Shit does he know?

"Yes daddy? I swear this will never happen again."

"I'm afraid it will."

"Dad what are you talking about?"

"Allison. This morning I got a call from pastor John."


"He told me that his wife saw you."

I can feel my heart pounding louder with every passing second, my legs are near jello.

"Oh did she?"

I can see my dad's nostrils start to flare and I can see that his body is stiffening.

"Yes. She saw you at planned parenthood. Now what would an 18 year old be doing at planned parenthood? I know you've been on birth control since the 10th grade so that's not it."

"I wanted to change it." I said with my head facing the floor.

"Allison Lynn Tate do not lie to me. Why were you at planned parenthood?"


"You what?"

"I went for a pregnancy test."

"I knew it. What did they say?"

"I'm almost two months pregnant."

"Is it  his?" my father says pointing at Alex in disgust.

I nod my head somberly, I see the angry passion in his eyes get softer.

"Allison how did this happen?" he says giving me a hug.

"I'm sorry sir" says Alex.

"There's nothing we can do about it now. What do you two plan on doing with it?"

"Um, daddy, we plan on keeping them."


"We're having twins."

"Twins?! How do you plan on raising twins?!

"We're working on figuring that out."

"I just don't understand how you two can be so irresponsible." he says with the anger returning to his voice."Your mother did everything to make sure that this didn't happen. It's going to break her heart once she finds out! I knew he was too old for you! I told your mother and she said 'no it's fine' now look where you've ended up!"

"Dad! This was not Alex's fault! He is responsible and we are going to raise these babies. If we weren't responsible this would've happened years ago!" Now I am going to have these babies and we are going to raise them together. Whether you want to be part of their lives or not! I would love if you were a part of their lives, but if you cannot accept Alex as their father than it is not going to work out. Period."

Alex jumps in.

"I know we're young but we're going to make it work. I want to be close so I'm putting in a transfer for next semester. It's going to work. I hope you're willing to be a part of their lives even if you hate me. I do promise, that I will do whatever is humanly possible to support Ally and the babies."

"You two are dreaming, you have no clue what it's like to raise one child,how do you plan on doing it with two?!"

"Dad. We will make it work.  Like I said if you're not going to support our decision then this is not going to work. Listen to me- this was never mine or Alex's intention. We've talked about this a bunch of times. Alex and I planned to finish school and get jobs before this would even be an option. We were always careful. Believe me this is not how we planned our lives but it's what were given. I hope you can understand that. I don't want to lose you, and I don't want my kids to not have a nono. We're going to try and we're going to do the best with what we have, and we'll hope and pray that it's enough."

"Allison, no matter what I will be part of their lives, but right now I can't focus, I don't know how I can look at you as my little girl when, you're all grown up and doing grown up things. I think maybe you should move into the guest house. It'll be best for all of us I think if there's some space between us.   The key to the guest house is on the counter, I was going to surprise you with it over the summer but I wasn't done fixing it up."

"You're kicking me out?" I say in complete shock.

"I'm not kicking you out, I just think we need some space, I'll stock your fridge and your welcome here always, but I just need some space I'm sorry. Oh and Alex."


"Feel free to join her. I'm going back to bed. ; Love you Ally."

With that he walks away and into his room. I feel my eyes swell up and I can feel the tears start to run down my face. Without a word I grab the keys to the guest house and walk over. I hear Alex's footsteps following behind me. I walk through the path for about a minute until I finally reach the guest house. I open the door and stare in amazement. My dad really put a lot of work into this. The floors are redone and the walls are freshly painted. In the one room there is a full size bed and the living room is furnished with a small loveseat, a bean bag chair, and a small glass table with a 24 inch TV on it. 

The kitchenette is spotless and there is a small island separating the kitchen from the living room. It's very cozy. 

I walk over to the bean bag chair and plop down on it pulling one of the sofa cushions with me. I bury my face in the pillow and cry. I hear Alex walk in the door and I know he's just standing there. He stands for a minute and then he walks over to me and sit on the floor in front of the bean bag chair, he moves the pillow from my face and grabs my hands,

"Allison Lynn, you are not a crier! You are the strongest, bravest, most warm hearted person I know. You do not deserve to put yourself through this."

"Alex, how can I be all of those things when my father hates me?! I have nobody! My mom is going to react the same way."

"Allison, I've known your dad a long time. I think he understands that family is something you cherish. The whole thing is new and it's scary, I'm sure he'll get over it and then everything will slowly get better. I know it's hard but right now we need to worry about us, and their health. You have me, you have Tito, and you have Jessie. When we tell our parents, I'm sure you will have them too. That'll give your dad some time to think and who knows what will happen. BUt please i don't want you stressed out because that's not what's best for you. Please stop crying."

"Alex, I understand everything you're saying and I want to try but it's hard. For all of these years my father had been my rock and now he's so disappointed. It has to get better."

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