They're Here!

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April 17, 36 weeks pregnant.


All of last night my stomach felt funny, I was cramping down my stomach and was in a lot of pain. Nothing excruciating but enough to be annoying.

Whatever, I'm sure its nothing anyway.

"Ow." I grip tightly onto the counter and bend over.

"Ally?! What's wrong? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just had a little bit of pain." I straighten myself out and get back to making my breakfast, 6 minutes later I feel the pain again,



"Alex, I think it's time."

Alex's eyes open wide, "Time? What do you mean 'its time?' Its not supposed to be time for another 2 and a half weeks!"

"Alex, this is happening now. We are having these babies today."

"Are you sure?"



"Its fine, do me a favor, pack me a bag and text our parents, tell them I'm going to shower and then we're heading over to the hospital."

"Ally, you can't shower. What if they get here now?!"

"Alex. Listen to me. Babe, it's ok. We're not even 10 minutes from the hospital. I'm going to shower and then we can head over there. It'll be ok."

I can see him take a breath and then he nods and walks over to our room, I hop in the shower and as I let the water hit my body I realize that this is the last time for a very long time that I'll have a belly. When I come home it'll be gone. I'll be able to see my feet again.

10 minutes later we're on our way to the hospital, Westchester Medical. They have a state of the art birthing center and the rooms are beautiful.

We walk into the main entrance and I am immediately given a wheelchair.

I sit down and not even 30 second later I'm squirming in my seat, trying to hold in the screams I want to let out.

The fresh faced nurse looked at me, "How far apart are they mom?"

"Just about 6 minutes."

"Oh, perfect! We'll get you right in. The doctor will be with you in a few minutes. "

Over the course of the next 3 hours doctors and nurses walk in checking my charts, my pressure, and how many centimeters dilated I am. My parents, Tito, Ara, and Alex's mom are all here, they take turns coming in to visit.

Finally at 1:47 I yell, the sharpest pain I have ever experienced just shit through my body, and a minute later again.

"Alex go get the doctor. "

He runs out the door and I can hear him speaking loudly, "Doc, something's wrong!"

The doctor and a few nurses jog over to me, He lifts up my gown,

"Your at 9.5 centimeters. You two will be parents in a few short minutes. Lopez, bring in the cradles, and Wesa, grab the tray, 3 scrubs and booties and my mask. Only 3 people are allowed to be in here for the birth. Whose it going to be? We need to make the decision fast, they aren't waiting much longer."

We all knew, who the 3 would be, Alex, his mom, and my mom.

"Everyone else needs to leave."

The room empties out, the nurse hands scrubs to the 3 people in the room, the doctor raises my bed and puts my feet in the stirrups. He takes a deep breath and says,

"Ok, let's have these babies"

The doctor counts me down and Alex grabs my hand. I squeeze him with every push, once the doctor can see the baby's head Alex trades places with his mother,

"One last push Ally! You can do it."

I give this last push my all


"Its a girl!"

I can hear Alex shout over his tears

"Cut the cord dad!", the nurse takes her to clean her off,

"Ok, This second one is ready to go now. Come on, give me 3 strong pushes."

And 3 pushes later,

"Its a boy!"

"Cut it. Lopez,Take him." The doctor says, the nurse takes my baby boy and carts him off to the NICU,

"Everyone but the parents need to leave" the doctor orders.

"What's wrong with my baby? Where are they taking him?" I ask through my tears.

"He had some fluid in his nasal cavity, he couldn't breathe, that's why you didn't hear him cry. "

Alex asks, "Is he going to be okay?"

"There is a 97% chance he will be fine, changes are he got some fluid in him once the first one came out, there was a lot more liquid than he was used to for himself. "

"And what the 3% chance?"

"Well this could have been a long term blockage, which could result in serious complications and brain defects due to lack of oxygen. I would not worry though, we have the worlds most experienced neonatal doctors in the world here. I will keep you updated. In the meantime you can hold your baby girl for a little bit, but then the nurse has to take her for her shots and to get cleaned up. Congratulations"

He hands me my baby girl, I sob.

Through his tears Alex says, "Ally, he's going to be ok. Don't worry. "

He looks at our baby girl in my arms,

"She's beautiful" I nod in agreement. A few minutes later the nurse comes back,

"Try to get some rest parents, shell be back in a few hours. He'll be okay, don't worry."

••3 Hours later••

"Here she is!" The nurse rolls in my baby girl. She's beautiful, she has hazel eyes and a full head of hair. She the tiniest finger and toes I have ever seen. At 5 pounds 7 ounces she's pretty big for a twin, and a preemie.

"Excuse me nurse? Where's my son?" Alex asks,

I think we both hold our breaths preparing for the worst to come out of the nurses mouth.

"They're still monitoring him, but he should be back soon" she says with a warm smile.

2 hours later a different nurse walks in carting my baby boy. She pulls up a chair and lifts him out of the carrier.

"Hello, my name is Fran Telesco I am a neo natal nurse here I just wanted to let you know about what happen today. This little guy swallowed some amniotic fluid which caused him to choke. When he was born, his lungs had quite a bit of a fluid in then, but he was responding. What we had to do was drain the fluid. We put tubes in his mouth to suck everything out, I don't want you to worry, he was asleep the whole time. He responded very well and he's doing fabulous now. He weights 6 pounds 3 ounces. He's a big boy! Congratulations!"

"They're here Alex. Our babies. "

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