Chapter 19

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Alex's POV

Man, this last month has been beyond insane. I find out Francesca's dead and she left behind a niece I didn't know existed. Tito went from being single to being a father. Allison's father is helping us rent an apartment, and I've decided on signing with the Staten Island Yankees.

Anyway,tomorrow is the big day, the day we announce the pregnancy. I've been over at Ally's for a week now and this house is hectic. Between the four of us, I'm going to lose my mind. Ally's father is taking us to look at apartments later today so hopefully we can find something soon.

As I'm sitting at the island in our kitchen, Ally comes out of the room,

"How do I look?"

I turn my seat around and look at her. I am absolutely floored by how gorgeous she looks. she's wearing a pair of dark wash jeans, her beige ugh boots, and a plain pink, body hugging top, clearly she's not trying to hide her belly today.

"Ally, you look gorgeous" I say as I walk up to her. I stare at get for a minute and then I go in to kiss her. My hands find their way down to her belly. She's starting to pop, there's no hiding what's in there now.

"Aw really? You're not just saying that? I feel like a fucking blimp."

"Never! you are the sexiest pregnant person I've ever seen" I say as I kiss her neck. "And the two little people in there are going to be beautiful just like mommy."

"Or handsome just like daddy."

Allison's POV

I was not expecting my belly to look like this at 3 months. I guess because its twins, but still. There are people who have twins and don't pop until like their fifth month. My belly isn't huge, but it is noticeable. its very round, like a pregnant belly so no one will think its fat. Luckily its cool outside so I can wear a hoodie, and I doubt anyone would notice. Trust me, I want to keep this as low key as humanly possible.

I grab an everything bagel from the cabinet and toast it. I put some cream cheese on it and I grab vanilla Greek yogurt from the fridge.

"How is it possible that that's your entire breakfast? You eat like a mouse. If it were me, I'd be starving."

"Alex, you know this is how I've always eaten."

"Yeah, but now you're pregnant. Shouldn't you be eating more?"

"I'm not eating for three people Alex. It's not necessary, that's how people get fat. I refuse to gain fifty pounds because I 'need to eat for three people' I really only have to increase my calorie intake by 500. So all I have to do is snack once between meals."

"Oh I didn't know that. And you're sure? I want them to be as healthy as possible."

"No, I'm not sure, I'm just pulling random numbers out of my ass. Of course I'm sure! I want them to be healthy too!"

"Mamita I know, I'm sorry, you know that's not what I meant! "

" Yeah whatever, can we just go please? I don't want to be late."

I swear I have been so moody lately and I really feel bad because everyone around had to deal with it. I read in my book that this would be the worst of it, maybe my mood will change once I see my babies.

Alex and I head into the car and drive over the doctor's office. We walk in and the nurse call us in almost immediatley. The nurse leads Alex and I down the brightly lit, narrow hallway and into Room 17.

"The technician will be with you in a few minutes, Allison, you can sit on the table and your boyfriend can take a seat in one of the chairs."

"Thank you," I say as I smile at her.

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