Chapter 21 SHORT CHAPTER and A/N

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Allison's POV

"I'm a little over three months pregnant."

All the conversation at the table stopped. Everyone is looking around at each other trying to decide whose going to speak first. My mother glares at my father, "You knew didn't you?"

He slightly nods his head;

"You knew and you didn't tell me anything?"

"Allison wanted to tell you herself. I found out. She didn't voluntarily tell me, she wanted to tell all of us together. She, I mean they, have already made their decision and I hope that both you and his mother can support them."

My mom looks at me, "Allison, you have always told me everything. Why wouldn't you come to me with this? We did everything to make sure that you wouldn't be put in this situation."

"Ma, I didn't want you to make me give it up. I was scared. I wanted to keep them and I thought if I told you, you were going to disown me, or make me abort them."

"Allison, we would have figured it out. Even if you wanted to keep them. You need prenatal care and books and everything else."

"Ma, I have it covered. I have my appointments at Planned Parenthood, everything is ok. We're having a set of fraternal twins. I'm sorry."

I can see a bit of a sympathetic smile come across my mom's face. Alex's mom is still sitting in silence and shock,

"Alex how did you let this happen? You have your entire furute ahead of you, you too Ally."

"Ma, it just happened. We were upset and all of these other things and it just happened."

"Ay I wish it hadn't" She looks at me and then clarifies, "Not that I don't love you mija. It's just both of you have a lot to figure out. It's a big change for everyone, I mean Tito has a daughter and Alex has twins on the way."

"I understand Maria, don't worry."

"So what are your plans?" asks my mom

"Alex, what are you going to do?  You can't stay over there and leave her here alone." asks Alex's mom

I answer for both of us. "Well, ma. We are going to keep the babies, and we are moving into our new home in two weeks. It'll be me, Ellie, Alex, Tito and Arabella is welcome whenever. Alex was signed to the Staten Island Yankees, so he will finish his last two and a half years over here and once he graduates he'll be in Staten Island a lot. We'll have to figure out what will happen then, because the kids will be two by that time."

"You're moving out?" my mom says

I look at my dad frightened, he starts talking;

"Sweetie, I took Allison, and the boys out to look for an apartment. We found a house in the suburbs right outside of the city. It has enough bedrooms for everyone to have their room, it has two bathrooms and a huge yard. The boys have agreed to pay 400 each and I will be covering Ally's portion of the rent. I told her she could take the furniture from the guesthouse."

"When we get home we need to talk about this." my mom says to my father.  "Allison, you and I will also need to talk."


A/N: This is a short chapter because as I have said before we don't want everything to drag on forever. You will get another chapter today and at that point Allison will be 22 weeks and she will be going in for her  anatomy scan! You will hear all about the house, Arabella and Tito, Daisy. What is going on with Alex? How the nursery will look etc!

I need feedback though what do you guys prefer? Do you prefer if I continue the story into many many chapters or is it easier for you guys to have a sequel?

Also, give me feedback! What do you want to see happen?

Thank you <3

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