Chapter 10

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Allison's POV

Alex and I are at the waterfront watching the sunset. He's right, this is the most relaxing place ever. Looking up at all of the different colors in the sky from passionate reds to calming yellows and purples. The pink in the sky makes me feel excitement, I think of the unexpected. He's holding me, with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Ugh, do you really have to leave me again?" I say half jokingly

"I do babe. I'm sorry. I wish I could stay here with you forever." he says as he hold me closer to him, "but one day, I'm going to make it. I'll be playing shortstop for the Yankees and my gorgeous wife will be first row cheering me on. It'll be you and me, and our own little family. I'll be able to give you everything you deserve."

"I already have everything I need right here." I say as I turn around and give Alex a kiss. "We have to go back to your house so we can eat."

Once the sun finally sets we get into Alex's car and drive over to his house. I don't see any cars in the driveway which means that we have the house to ourselves. We let ourselves in and I put my stuff down on the kitchen table, kick off my shoes and sit on the couch.

"Babe, you gonna make me something?"

"I'm not cooking now! I'll order us food. What do you want?"

"Hmm, how about chinese?"

"Sounds good. Sweet and sour chicken?"

"You know it!"

While we wait for the chinese food to arrive we sit on the couch and watch Criminal Minds. This show is so intense.

"Oh my god! I LOVE him!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shemar Moore I know." says Alex rolling his eyes at me.

The doorbell rings and Alex gets up and pays the delivery guy, we move around the furniture and we sit around the coffee table and try to be all cute with our chopsticks. Once I'm done I sit on the couch and I stretch out. Alex cleans everything up and then he sits on the couch. I lay on top of his lap and he plays with my hair.


Ally lays down on my lap, this has been one of the best summers to date. Even with both of us working we still managed to make time for each other. that's something big, I feel like I never left yet I finished an entire year of college already.

I look down at Ally "I'm going to miss you."

She sits up "I'm going to miss you to." she says while frowning.

"Can I get one last kiss?"

Ally leans into me and kisses me. We kiss, and kiss, and kiss some more and one thing leads to another and before I know it we're rolling around on the floor, butt naked. I like spontaneity.

"That was a good going away gift."

"Remember that when you have other girls flirting with you."

-ALLISON'S POV The next day.-

"Hi Sandy, hey Tito" I say as I walk up Alex's driveway.

"Hey sweetie how are you" says his mother.

"I'm okay I guess."

Tito walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek and a hug, " It's ok mama. He'll be back, he can't get enough of you" he says as he hands me my tshirt. I blush.

"Thanks." I say as he laughs at me. Alex walks out of the front door with a suitcase and his baseball bag. I give him a kiss and my eyes start to water a little bit, "I'm going to miss you."

"Don't cry, I'll miss you to, but it'll be fine. This year will be easier than last. We'll just keep getting stronger. I'll call you every night. Bye. I love you."

"Love you too" I say. Alex and his mom get into the car and they drove away. Tito walks up behind me and puts his arm around my shoulder. He's become the brother I never had.

"Ally. It's ok, you know he'll be back in a few weeks. Don't cry."

"I know he'll be back, but it still sucks. I miss him and I worry. "

"About what?"

"Tito, I'm still in High school. He's in college surrounded by girls with all this experience and I'm sire they're gorgeous! What if he finds someone and leaves me?!"

"Allison my brother knows you are the best thing that has happened to him ever. All he does is talk about you. How you're perfect, how your the girl he wants to marry. My brother can do some dumb things, and he has, trust me. But you are not one of those dumb things. Did you know you're the only girl ma has ever met? Stop downing yourself because you are an amazing person and Alex is lucky to have you. Plus. No guy wants a girl whose had the team."

"You think so?

"I know so,"

"Thank you so much Tito, I really needed that." I say as I give him a hug.

"Come on 'manita let's go grab some food. How about IHOP?"

"Sounds good! Thank you tito!'.

Make Me Part of Your LeagueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora