Chapter 15

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Allison's POV

My father just kicked me out of the house. What the hell am I supposed to do with myself, this was not how I wanted this to play out. I thought my father loved me more than to just do that. Maybe he did need room I don't know, but I thought he would have been a little bit supportive. I'm a good kid, I get good grades, I have a good boyfriend, I work, I do things that most kids my age chose not to do. I even help pay my car insurance.

Ugh, but Alex is right I need to take it easy- last thing I need is to loose my babies because of stress. It seems like my little family may be the only thing I'll have left.

"Alex I have a question."

"What's up?"

"Are you really okay with me having these babies? I mean my dad is right. We don't know the first thing about raising a baby, how the hell are we supposed to go about raising two. That's twice the work, twice the money, twice the amount of diapers, formula clothes! And what about when you're at work, or school? Am I supposed to be with them alone?"

"Allison, there's a reason that this happened. I need you to understand that I love you and if this was ever going to happen to me I'm glad that you're the girl. Like I said, I understand this is going to be difficult but we don't just have each other. I'm going to try to be home as often as I can, but I do want to make it to the big league- then we'll be able to afford all of the clothes, food, toys even a nanny! I'll be able to afford anything else you or the babies will need."

"Alex, listen to me. I don't want my babies being raised by nannies. I want to have a relationship with them and I want them to have a relationship with their father. I'm going to support your dream but I cannot do it forever. We need to compromise or this is never going to work. I don't want to be a bitch and stand in the way but there's a lot you need to consider. Alex, I can deal with not having you around during my pregnancy, but our child's lives is something completely different."

"I know Ally. But I'm really close! I can taste it. They're going to sign me onto the Renegades and then I'll be drafted! I know it."


"Fine, a time frame.. I'll be 21 by the time the babies are born. Can we say by the time I'm 25?"

"I think that sounds fair. How does minor league work? Like do you get paid? Because my 8.50 an hour is not going to be enough to support four people."

"I'm not going to lie. It's not a lot, it's about eleven hundred a month. But maybe we can stay here? This is cozy and it's close to everything. We'll help your parents of course, but we can start off a little at a time and we can save up money so that we can rent our own place. Look here." He says as he stands at the doorway to the room, "We can fit a double crib right there. You know the cribs that are one on top of the other (pic to the right), and that leaves us with plenty of room. And over here-" he says walking over to the bar, "we can buy then cute chairs, the ones you put on normal chairs so they don't take up room."

"I don't know Alex. I'm not sure what's going to happen..."

-4 Days Later (Thursday Afternoon)-

My dad still hasn't spoken to me. I see him leave in the morning and come home in the afternoon and he looks defeated. He knows I go into the house because I leave the mail on the coffee table everyday and I always make coffee and leave it heating up in the coffee pot.

Every day and every night I pray that he'll walk through those doors and just talk to me. Or sit down and not talk to me. These four days have been harder on me than his deployments.

Maybe I can distract myself. I plop down on my bean chair with "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and my tablet, I joined this website called baby center. There's a lot I need to know.

I start looking through the book, I skip over the first chapter or so which talks about preparing for pregnancy and I stop when I reach the Do's and Don'ts page. Lets see:


- light exercise such as walking

-load up on the big 5 nutrients; folate,calcium, iron, zinc and fiber.

- Eat a varied diet


- use the excuse of "eating for two"

- eat cold cuts

-don't have 3+ cups of caffeinated drinks a day.

Seems easy enough.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing.

"Hey babe."

Ally I did it! The recruiters came and I was pulled in!

"Babe that's amazing! Congrats!"


"Oh. Here comes the big butt."

I was drafted to two teams

"How is that a bad thing?"

One of them is the Renegades and one of them is the Stanten Island Yankees. If I'm on the Renegades and I get pulled up I get pulled into the Marlins, or Tampa Bay. Staten Island is a definite that I'll get pulled into the Yankees.

"So you're basically asking me if I want to deal with you now or move away later?"

Yeah, I'm sorry.

"It's not your fault. I can't leave from here Alex you know that. Neither one of us can, we have our entire lives here. How long will you be away?"

I could commute, I spoke to the recruiter and he said I could do one week at camp and one week at home with an assigned trainer. So I could commute for the week I'm over there but it'll be a big chunk of the day.

"I suppose that's not too bad... Alex, look I'll call you later. I'm heading out in a bit, Love you. Bye."


I hang up the phone. I am super proud of Alex but at the same time my children need to have a father. I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in" I shout, I saw my father walk in front of the window.

"Hi Allison."

"Hi dad." I say in a quiet voice.

"Look Allison, I want you to know that I still love you. Nothing you do will ever change that."

"Well you couldn't have fooled me.."

"Allison, I know it's been almost a week but I need you to understand where I'm coming from."

"I understand that your upset dad, but that doesn't give you the right to talk to me the way you did. i don't appreciate you calling me an idiot and the way you spoke to and about Alex is not okay. Me and him have been together almlost 3 years and you've never told me that you had a problem with him. All of the sudden because I'm pregnant you decide he was horrible for me all along? Do you know the kinds of people that walk around my school? I could've gotten with someone who has been in jail, a pothead, a dropout, a preppy, snobby rich boy anyone. I think I did a good job with him. He has goals, he's going to college, he just got recruited, he works, I don't know what more you could ask for. Yeah he got me pregnant, but guess what? It takes 2 to make a baby doesn't it? And for your information, I was planning on going to planned parenthood for new pills because these were making me fat so at the time I had not taken the pill in over a week. So please, you need to accept Alex and our decisions."

"Allison I am still your father so do not take that tone with me. I apologize for what I said. Alex is a great kid and he's always been a hundred percent honest with me. But hearing that my baby girl is pregnant with twins made me a little crazy. I do regret saying that because I really do like him. It's going to take some getting used to but I'll work on this acceptance thing. Just know that it will take a while. i do want to be a part of the babies lives and if you are up for it, I would like to help you find an apartment. If you find something with 2 bedrooms, that nearby I'll help you pay the rent. The guest house is nice, but lets be honest; it's too small for a family of four."

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