Chapter 1 Part 2-

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-Back in the locker room-

"All right girls; we have to be on our best behavior. I know you all want to kill her but we need her on this team. I went with coach to see her at a game and the girl is good. She's pitched 3 shutouts, and a perfect game. In the division her school was in, she had the lowest ERA and the highest slugging pct. and all year she had 2 errors. I don't care if you like her or not, I cannot have you girls make this bad for her. Do you all understand?! I know some of you are sitting here cursing me out in your head, but again I don't care."

"Alright captain Lexy; we get it..."

"Good, now lets go out there and make this a good season!" We all walk out of the locker room and we see Allison sitting in the middle of the floor stretching. I walk over to some of the guys and say hello, give them pecks on their cheeks an keep moving. When I get over to Alex I can see that he's checking out Allison.

"Hey, paws off. She's 15."

"And I'm 17. What's your point?"

"Alex, she's too young for you bro."

"No she's not. We're both in high school, it's not like I'm a college freshman...I mean look at her!"

"Alex! Stop looking at her butt!"

"Do you see her?! She's gorgeous!"

"Of course she's gorgeous but you cannot have her! You need to leave my players alone! Got it?"

"I got you"

I walk away, and let me say Allison really is gorgeous. She has an olive complexion and her skin is perfect. She has long, curly, auburn hair with dirty blonde highlights, her face is full of freckles. She also has a flat stomach and defined abs. Her legs are long and muscular. She's barely leaving anything to the imagination with her track shorts and her sports bra; but I've always said- don't mix business and pleasure, you're always looking for trouble if you do.

-Alex's POV-

I LOVE having open gym with the girls. There's this new girl- her name is Allison and she's bad. She has the body of a goddess and she's pretty bad ass too- I've been watching her all practice and I even stretched with her. She's the whole package. She's here on scholarship which means she's smart, she's bad  and she's athletic. Man the things that I would do to her if given chance. I know Lexy told me to stay away but I don't think I can.

-Allison's POV-

I'm surprised at how nice everyone's being to me- I guess shit talking is reserved for the locker room? After a tedious practice which involves throwing, catching, and lots of running; everyone heads into the locker room to change and coach walks over to me,

"Alright, let's go see bob" I follow him to the back, where everything is secluded. He knocks on a blue door and out comes a 30 something yer old muscular man with facial hair. He's hot.

"Hey, my name is Robert, but everyone calls me Bob. Trainer Bob. In the on staff physical therapist-."

"Hi, I'm Allison!"

"Yes she is, Bob she's our new pitcher" says coach.

"Okay, so every time you throw pitches I need you to come up here so we can get ice and heat on you. Okay?"

"Alright I guess so. So I'll see you then I guess."

"Sounds good! Have a good day" shouts trainer bob.

I walk over towards the locker room door where my bag is and waiting for me is Alex.

"Hey. So about that number?"

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