Chapter 2

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Allison's POV

I walk into my house and take a shower, while I'm up there I hear the door latch unlock and I hear Roco- my dog- happily bark, I know this means mom is home. I finish up in my shower and throw on a pair of sweats with a different colored work out top. Until you wear one you cannot understand how comfortable they are. I untangle my hair and leave it loose.

I leave my room with my towel draped over my shoulders and and give my mother a kiss on the cheek, "Hey ma! How are you?"

"I'm good, you're home kind of late for a school night no?"

"Ma, I told you I was going out for dinner after practice."

"You didn't tell me it was with a boy."

"You didn't ask. Also what makes you think I was with a boy?"

"Mira, don't get smart Allison Lynn because I will ground you. And I know it was a boy because I can see it all over your face. Either you had a good time with a boy or you're a lesbian" she says with a smirk. And I know I Better stop talking back, she user my middle name to.

"No ma, I was with a boy..."

"I thought so. Now come sit down and tell me about this boy."

"Well it's a boy in my art class, he's also captain of the baseball team. His name is Jason-"



"How old is he?"

" 17"

"17?! Allison, don't you think that's too old for you?!"

"Ma he's just a friend!"

" Fine mija, whatever you say... what does he look like, how is he?"

"Well, he's Dominican. He has gorgeous hazel eyes! He's also really smart too, he's in honors classes and he got a full ride scholarship to St Johns University for baseball!"

"Wow, you know I wouldn't mind you dating a guy like that. He has goals!"

"Ha, okay ma"

I start leaving the kitchen and heading to my room when I hear the front door open up.

"How are my two beautiful ladies doing today?!"

"Daddy! I didn't know you were coming home today!" I run over to my father and give him a big bear hug. It's been 3 months since I last saw him. He bends down and easily lifts my tiny 5 foot fram up off the floor and spins me. Then he walks over to my mother and she burries her head in his chest and starts crying out of joy. I know she misses him.

After all of the sobbing is over my dad turns and looks at me.

"Allison, what are you wearing?" he says in a stern voice.

"um, clothes...."

"You think thats appropriate to wear?"

" Yes."

"What about you Maria, do you think this ok?" he asks talking to my mom

" I actually do- there's nothing wrong with what she has on."

"Alright, whatever. If you want to have guys stare you up and down because you're wearing a bra go ahead"

"Dad, its a sports top, its not a bra. If you must know I have something on under it. its kind of like a tshirt. All you can see is my belly!"

My dad shakes his head and walks into his took, my mom and I both leave the kitchen

Alex's POV

"Hi ma!" I say as I greet my mom with a kiss, "How is my favorite lady in the world today?!"

"I'm good mijo. The real question is how are YOU. What has you so happy and smiley?

My brother walks in from the room and says

"A girl of course! That's the only time a guy looks like such a dumbass"


"Sorry ma. But am I right?!" he asks

I nod my head and he walks over to me to give me a dap. My mom squeals with delight

"That's my baby brother!"

"Tell us about her!" Says my mother.

"Well, her name is Allison. She's in my art class and she's on the softball team. She was the only girl to get recruited in. We went out for dinner and we talked a lot. Ma she's perfect. She wants to be a teacher and when she's not playing softball, she's volunteering or she's at work. But-"

The phone rings, my mother excuses herself to answer.

Tito looks at me, "but what?"

"She's 15"

"Alex she's too young for you man!"

"She really isn't though! Look she'll be 16 in June and ill be 18 in September. We're really like 2 and a half years apart!"

"I don't know man, you know it's going to be different right?"

"I know, and I mean its not like I'm you... Ya know? I'm not 20 trying to talk to her. "

"True, true. But listen, I want to meet her. Let me meet her before mami does. We can see if she's worth it."

"She's definitely worth it."

"I'm hoping your right Alex. So ask her if she wants to hit the park next weekend for ice skating. It'll be me, you, her and Francesca. Afterwards we'll go upstate to the lodge and hang out.

"I got you. I hope her pops is ok with it, she said her mom would be ok but that her pops don't play."

"No girl's dad is easy! Oh and now that mom isn't here REALLY describe her."

"Not like that man."

"I don't understand why this is a big deal like didn't you talk to her cause you though she was bad?! Just tell me!"

"You right" I say " well she was laying on the floor stretching. From where I'm at, I see this short little thing on the floor and she was in track shorts an a sports bra, so already I had to talk to her. When she got up, I saw that this girl had the biggest ass, and her boobs were out there too. Just wait until you meet her."

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