Chapter 18

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Tito's POV

Still mesmerized by her gorgeous smile I ask Arabella for Ellie's car seat. She nods at me and walks to the back room, when she returns show holding a pink and Brown Graco car seat and a diaper bag.

"So what can you tell me about her? Like is there something about her I should know?"

"Well as I mentioned before, we are working on having her potty trained. She has a pretty routine schedule. she usually wakes up at 8. personally I think that she's old enough for you take down the side of her crib and make it a toddler bed. She's still little so she needed to be drinking whole milk and she eats a lot, but that's normal."

"Is she allergic to anything?"

"Yes, she has a severe peanut allergy, so no one in the room can have peanut butter or she'll swell up like a balloon and she'll be in a lot of pain. It has never happened, but she does have an epi pin in case of an emergency. Also if that happens take her to the hospital and call her doctor, she can meet you at the hospital to check on her and to get you a refill on it"

"Oh my. Wow."

"It's not that bad, I promise. She eats everything and she loves to read. Francesca always tried her hardest to limit any television time."

I knew raising a kid was hard but in the five minutes that Arabella has been talking to me it's been proven that parenting is harder than I ever imagined.

"It's pretty late now, she goes to bed around 8, since she seems to like you already I can't imagine her having a tough time getting to sleep. At night we put her in a diaper and nighttime is the only time of the day where she gets a bottle, otherwise she drinks in a sippy cup."

"That's a lot to have to remember," I say.

She looks at me sympathetically and lets out a small sigh. She tucks her hair behind her ear only to further reveal her beautiful freckled face before speaking again, "You'll get used to it."

I look over at Ally whose playing with the baby and she gets the hint.

"Ellie, lets go see if there's anything left in your room."

Ellie gets up and semi runs, semi waddles into the room that's hers.

" Arabella,"

" Yes?"

" I'm going to need help. See the thing is, I don't want her to live at my house with my mother," I see a look of disgust come across her face, " Not because I'm ashamed or anything but because I won't want to put the responsibility on my mother. She's finally dating again and I don't want to ruin that for her."

" So how am I supposed to help you? Where is she going to stay?! I didn't fight to get her of of that hell hole so that she could be homelessness or go to another home where no one loves her. "

" Arabella listen to me! No one is going to be homeless and she will be surrounded by people who love her. But until everything gets sorted out I wanted to let you know that Ally and I will be living together. That's where we'll be staying until we find a bigger place. Ally wants to help, but she's expecting twins so we'll need a bigger place soon. I just wanted to ask if you weren't busy, if you would mind spending the day with us so that we can see everything that goes on."

"Oh my, I'm sorry I yelled at you. Twins though?! I'm glad Ellie will have cousins but poor Ally. And I wouldn't mind lending hand until you get used to everything."

She softens her gaze and looks at me for a minute, she looks as if she's daydreaming, " Is there something on my face?" I ask.

She shakes her head and starts talking, " No, there's nothing on your face" she says as she lets out a small giggle. "it's just I cant believe how responsible you're being about all of this. I mean I can't imagine being thrown a curveball like this. I mean you have a child, you're whole life was just thrown for a tailspin and you're staying calm, cool, and collected. I really admire that about you."

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