Chapter 22

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We are now in January, the 8th to be specific. Ally is 22 weeks and she will be finding out the sex of her babies later this week. And her due date is May 21st. Everyone is all moved and, and they've been living in their new apartment for about two and a half months.


Allison's POV


Ellie comes trotting down the hallway into her room, "Ellie, what do we do when we play with toys?"


"Yes sweetie, we clean up. Can you please help me clean up?" She nods her head and she helps me clean up her newly decorated room. She's doing most of the cleaning, I'm mostly bossing her around. I feel so big, it's starting to hurt me if I stand too much or if I bend down.

I look at Ellie cleaning up her stuff and placing them neatly into her bin organizer. We decided to keep the theme that Francesca wanted, so the room is pink and brown. The walls are a light pink and the closet doors and moldings are brown too. We painted spots on the wall too, this really looks like a little girl's room.

Once Ellie is done cleaning up, I walk over to the extra bedroom. It's really bare, all white walls and no furniture. This is going the be babies' room. We're waiting for Saturday so that we can start decorating. Saturday is the big day! I'm so happy that we found this house. All of the rooms have their own little thing, my room is beachy with a mix of animals. That was our compromise. He picked a light gray/blue for the walls, I got to make some lines on the wall and then I got to decorate our bed with zebra! He picked the decorations! It worked out well! Tito's room is this greenish, blue color, his bedding is light blue, the contrast really helps the color of the walls to pop, he says no but I think Arabella helped him pick it out.



"Alex!" I say as I push him to wake him up. "Get up!"

"Alllyyyy!" he says with obvious annoyance in his voice.

"Alex get your ass out of bed and go get dressed! We have to go to the doctor! COME ON!"

"Oh it's Saturday! Let's go!"

"Ally it's nine in the morning!"

I cannot stop bouncing from excitement, I'm sliding all over the house anxiously waiting for Alex to get ready. I go out into the kitchen and catch Arabella sitting at the island in Tito's pajamas. She's glowing.

"Had a good night Bella?" I say letting out a chuckle.

"I should say so. Alls, we.. we" she looks around and whispers, "we did it."

"Shut the hell up!"

"I'm serious!"

"Aw, so this is it. You guys are official, you may as well move in now!"

"Ally don't be ridiculous!"

"How was it?" I say smiling at her.

She looks around again, "It was amazing! He's definitely the best I've ever had!"

"Girl stop looking around! We're all adults here. You know Tito is going to tell Alex the minute he has the chance too, it's not a big deal."

"Whatever! So are you ready?!"

"Bella, I am so nervous and anxious and excited. I just can't contain myself. As soon as Alex is ready we're going to head out."

"Babe I'm ready!" shouts Alex.

"Ah! Perfect timing! Bye Bella!"

Alex's POV

Ally and I get into the car, I am just as excited as she is, except I hide it much better. This is really it. After the tough road we've had it's finally becoming so real. Once we're done at the doctors I know that there will just be so many things Ally is going want to do. Bella already told me that she's planning a baby shower for her. I know she'll make a great host!

We pull up to the doctors office and I don't even get a chance to turn off the car before Ally is walking towards the door. I press the lock on my car and then I take a slow jog over to where Ally is. We walk in and she signs herself in. 10 minutes later,

"Ms. Tate, the technician is ready for you." Ally walks in trying her hardest to not look like a crazy person with a kool aid smile plastered across her face. She lays on the examination table and lifts her shirt.

"Alex, move over" she tells me. I pull my seat close enough so that I can hold her hand. The technician, all too familiar greets us,

"Are you two ready!" In unison we both let out a yes! The technician squeezes the blue jelly onto Allison's belly and just like every time before she jumps a little. She squeezes my hand as the technician rubs her wand around. Suddenly Ally's stomach bounces, "What was that?!" I ask

Ally's eyes grow big, They just kicked! This is the first time I feel them move!"

The technician smiles at Ally's excitement and asks me if I would like to feel it. I place my hand and they kick again.

"Oh they're excited in there" says the tech, "looks like you may have some soccer players!"

She continues to move the wand around my belly and she stops when she reaches what looks like the legs of my babies.

"Okay! Here they are, I'm seeing anything on either one of them, so it looks like you may have two girls." I smile "Oh hold on. This one is wide open, she's a girl. Let me look at this one." she moves the wand up and down trying to get the baby to move it wiggles around and "Yup, that one is definitely a boy! You are having a baby boy and a baby girl! That's not common at all! Congratulations parents to be!"

"Yes!!" Ally squeals.

"Baby, we're getting one of each!"

The technician asks, "Do you know what you want to name them?"

I answer, "A girl for me, her name will be Isabella Sophia."

"And a boy for me, his name will be Adrian Noel."

"Oh, those names are gorgeous! God Bless them!"

Allison's POV

Ahhhh!!!!!! I'm so happy, now we can start painting and decorating! I send Arabella a message

A boy and a girl!


I know!!

We get home and I head out with Arabella to Babies r' Us. Once we get there Arabella tells me, "Make a registry!"


"Just make a registry! Maybe someone wants to throw you a baby shower!"

"You're going to throw me a baby shower?!"

"Yes, but I'm not telling you when or where so get over it!"

"Mala." We spend the next 3 hours picking stuff out. We did a lot of yellow with accents of blue and pink stuff. I picked sporty Yankees gear for Adrian's side and I picked Zebra stuff for Isabella's side. We make it to the help center and once everything is said and done there are 100 items on the registry adding up to over 1000 dollars in gifts.

"Arabella! How the hell did you let me spend so much?!"

"They give you like 25% off of everything you don't get, don't worry!"

After we finish up buying stuff we go home and Alex and I start taping about how we want to set up the babies room. In just about for months my babies will be here.


A/N I have decided that the next chapter will go quick, it will involve the baby shower and stuff I have decided that next chapter will be the end of this book.

Make Me Part of Your LeagueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora