next stop: hell

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^I'm not sure why he's smiling but every time he smiles, I'm sure sunflowers pop up somewhere in the world

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^I'm not sure why he's smiling but every time he smiles, I'm sure sunflowers pop up somewhere in the world

Thoughts on Reese?
He's somewhat of a spur-of-the-moment, why-the-heck-not, type of character

Bad day but not a bad life
If I say it enough times maybe I'll start believing it but for anyone who's feeling the same-

To those riding their own train from hell
Quitting isn't your thing so ride that train like Daniel Craig in Skyfall 007 and own that b*tch

*apologies for the swearing I got caught up in the moment*


"Don't move. This is a holdup."

The words kept ringing through Pippin's mind, even as they were herded through a few cars, ending up in one of the cars in first class. Maybe it was the fact they were so cliche and overused.

It bothered her.
It made her want to smack the masked gunman who said it across her face.

A point of a gun jabbing into her side made her glare at the mask behind it.

"I get the idea. I don't need you poking your little gun at me to move faster." She snapped then turned to Reese who had been elbowing her in the side.
"I just yelled at him for touching me. Not even five seconds ago."

Reese shot her a look which she brushed off.

"Don't try me, kid." She grit out, sitting with a grunt on the floor, glaring at the gunman.

The only sound that came out of him was a hiss.
"Matches your personality." She felt Reese's eyes practically melt the side of her face.

"Hey, Ninja Turtle," She referred to the apparent leader of the group, glancing at the pack hanging from his back that resembled a shell.
"Isn't it a little early for Halloween?"

This one chuckled electronically, motioning the others away with a simple move of his gun.

"It seems we have a comedian." His voice that was strangely robotic and gritty made Pippin roll her eyes.

"Going for the Darth Vader vibe, are we?" She continued to mock. He chuckled again, kneeling beside her.
"I'd watch what I say, doll."

His gun point traced down her neck, sinking slightly into the area above her heart.
"I've never liked jokesters." He murmured, the black eye sockets of his mask taunting her.

"And I've never liked Darth Vader wannabes parading around in black jumpsuits and guns. We don't always get what we like." She retorted, grunting as Reese elbowed her in the ribs again.

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