don't touch my fruitgushers

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^ flash doing flash-y things

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^ flash doing flash-y things

Really excited because I think I'm gonna start writing another fanfic because this one is slowly drawing to a close

comment on which one you think I should start first:

Oliver Queen fanfic-

Poe Dameron fanfic-

Steve Rogers fanfic-


I'll tally up the votes each one gets and hopefully that will help me decide

-truthfully, I'm leaning more towards Poe Dameron and Steve Rogers-

If any of you need someone to talk to, I'm always here, just message me


Pippin Hart wasn't good at talking about feelings.

It was deeper than her inability to knit, crochet, and maintain mind-numbing girl talk as she put it.

There were too many things to say and Pippin just didn't want to have to say them. That meant recollection of those things, that meant giving them the power to change someone's perspective of her and she had decided that she wasn't going to let them do that.

Everyone noticed her dimming sarcastic remarks, the way her eyes would sometimes glaze over in thought only for her to shake the look off with a quick jerk of the head, or how she wasn't comfortable being alone and would always be close to someone.

Roy, Thea, and Diggle's departure was foreseen but it didn't help the tightening of Pippin's chest as she watched them leave. Felicity and Oliver decided to stay in a hotel nearby, deciding to give Joe a rest. Pippin had contemplated going with them but Barry and Joe insisted she stay.

Chekov had disappeared for a while, the manor he had "rented" was empty when the police finally obtained a warrant and rushed the place in an effort to arrest him.
There was a storm brewing on the horizon and everyone knew it.

Crime had picked up, which Pippin guessed had something to do with Chekov, so the Flash had his days and nights planned out for him.
Pippin didn't really mind, Barry would have her come down to S.T.A.R. Labs so she wouldn't be alone.

That's where she was now.
There was a robbery in progress at some jewelry store which seemed to be the theme of the week.

"I just busted two guys for the same robbery last night. Do criminals not watch the news?"

Pippin popped another of Cisco's chips into her mouth while she swiveled around in Barry's "wheely chair" as she called it. Cisco had left her in charge of Barry's night while he fixed some things on Barry's spare suit in the back.

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