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It took us a while to be able to pull Louis and Harry apart. Wait, let me rephrase that- it took us a while to be able to pull Louis off Harry. Louis kept screaming, "I'LL NEVER LET GO, JACK!", and Harry just stood there, with his hands by his side. Finally, with Zayn and Liam pulling on Louis and Niall holding onto Harry, we were able to separate them. Auntie Anne and I followed the boys to the kitchen, both laughing at the bromance between Louis and Harry. We reached the kitchen, and we were faced with many piles of food. Harry spread out his arms, as if he was inviting us to go marvel at the array of food. Niall stood in shock for a few seconds before falling to the ground, bowing. "I AM NOT WORTHY!" Niall kept repeating as he bowed on his knees. Zayn and the others slowly approached the food and started touching it to make sure it was all really. We watch as Niall eventually gets up from his fatal position on the floor and begins exploring the food with the others, laughing at the boy's faces of pure joy and wonder. "So," I say, turning to Auntie Anne. "What's all this food for, anyways? Have you become with one of those people who stock up for the impending zombie apocalypse?" She laughs and jokingly bumps my shoulder. "Actually, and I don't really know how to tell you this, I'm going to be going on a cruise for the next two weeks with Robin. I got you all of this food so you guys didn't starve." My gaze shifts over to the boys, who are now shoving as much food as possible into their mouths. "Yaay," I cheer sarcastically. "It's going to be us six, alone, with no one else, for two weeks." "I'm sure El and Dani will come over from time to time!" Auntie Anne rubs my back comfortingly, as she did when I was younger. I wrap one arm around her and give her a side hug as I continue to watch the boys devour the food- I think they were now having a contest to see who could stuff the most Oreos in their mouth... looked like Zayn was winning. I looked over at Niall, who had given up on the contest part and was eating the Oreos happily off to the side. "I'm going to miss you, Auntie, and my sanity." I groaned. She laughed and stepped back. "Well, I'm leaving tonight, so I've got to pack! Oh, and please make sure that they boys do not do anything stupid! I trust you'll keep the house from burning down while I'm away." She gave me a quick peck on the forehead and walked towards her room. I walked over to the boys and watched them eat to their teenage heart's desire. "You guys hungry?" I ask, amused. They all smile widely at me, graciously showing me all of the black, crushed cookies that filled their mouths and covered their teeth. I walked into the kitchen and shuffled through the food that they hadn't yet managed to find, trying to gather a proper meal. I was able to locate some microwavable macaroni and cheese, and I grabbed a bowl, filled it with water, dumped the noodles and sauce in, and stuck in the microwave. I leaned against the counter that was opposite the microwave, watching the boys eat whatever they could put their hands on. It was sickening, watching them eat like that. They probably didn't even know what they were eating, all they needed to know was that it tasted relatively good, and it was edible. I decided to step in. "Guys- GUYS! You do realize that this food has to last two weeks? We have to ration what we eat!" They all stop eating and stare at me, slowly chewing and swallowing what was in their mouths. We stand there in silence, besides the hum of the microwave and the loud crunch of food. Suddenly, the microwave beeps loudly, scaring me slightly. Harry swings his arms around and claps them, trying to make this slightly less awkward. "So..." He begins, looking around at us. "What can we do today?" "Truth or Dare!" Louis suggests and we all agree. I grab my meal from the microwave and stir it around with my fork before placing it on the island, where the other boys had placed their food. I decide to start. "Zayn, truth or dare?" He looks over at me when he hears his name. "Uh, truth." The boys moan when he doesn't choose dare- they were probably hoping that they'd get to see Zayn do something stupid. "What's your secret talent?" I ask. He strokes him chin, looking off in the distance as he thinks. "I'm a power ranger." "Naw, don't lie, Zayn!" Niall interrupts. He turns to me. "Zayn can sing." I look at Zayn in shock. "Is that so?" He just shrugs and grabs more food to shove in his mouth. Louis turns to me next. "Truth or dare, Ally?" "Truth." I reply immediately, causing the boys to sigh again. "What's the craziest thing you've ever done?" It takes me a few seconds to think before I reply. "I skipped school once." It had been a few years ago, when I was still dealing with the loss of my mother. They all stared at me with their mouths hanging open and their eyes wide. Louis snorts. "We've got a real party animal over here." Harry grabs my hand and starts pulling me out of the house. "Where are we going?" I ask him, as we step outside. "We're going to do something crazy." "But-" I try to complain, but Harry interrupts me. "Don't worry, it's nothing too crazy." He smirks at me, probably remembering all of the times I've chickened out of doing something slightly dangerous. Harry opens the car door for me, and I hesitantly step in. "What are we doing?" I look back at the house and see the boys coming out as well. Harry walked around the car and hopped into the driver's side; he stuck the keys in ignition. "We're going film hopping."

Only You , Only Us ( One Direction )- (Zayn-Liam-Niall)Where stories live. Discover now