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The glass door creaked open slowly as Damen walked it. He was drenched head to foot but he didn't blink and the smirk was never smudged from his lips.

I clutched onto Liam and his knuckles turned white as he clutched onto the baseball bat. Harry was standing in front of me and his hands were clenched tightly.

The way he stared at me made me shake. His eyes bore into mine and I could tell that he wanted to hurt me. It had taken him two years to find me again, and his anger had only grown. I had disobeyed him and run away. He said he would come after me if I ran away. I thought the stabbing was enough, but he wanted to kill me now.

I don't know what he would do to the boys. Would he kill them too? I tightened my grip on Liam. I wouldn't be able to live without Liam.

Niall and Zayn stepped closer towards to group and they formed a barrier around me. Damen only laughed quietly as his hungry eyes swept up and down me. It sent chills down my spine whenever he looked at me like that.

He casually walked closer as the storm continued to rage on outside. There was continuous thunder claps and lightning flashing that made me jump. He stopped about ten feet away and put his hands behind his back.

"I'm going to take Ally." He stated, cocking his head to the side as if saying 'and there's nothing you can do about it'.

"Like hell you will!" Harry yelled and ran at Damen.

Damen pulled his hands in front of him and I saw a glint of metal.

"HARRY, STOP!" I screamed and Harry froze. Damen raised the knife in his right hand and slowly takes another step forward.

I felt immobilized as I saw him walk towards us. That was the knife- that was the same exact knife that he used to stab me. I could recognize that specific knife anywhere.

Damen really was going to kill us.

"I'm going to say this again- I'm going to take Ally, and you're not going to stop me."

"Run!" Louis whispered in my ear, but I couldn't move. I felt like my whole body was shut down in fear. I didn't want to die. I didn't want anyone to die. I just wanted this to be over.

"For God's sake, run Ally!" Louis repeated louder and I snapped out of my trance. Adrenaline pumped through me as I spun around and sprinted out of the room. I slipped on the tile as I tried to turn quickly into the kitchen and I scrambled as I hurried to stand up.

I could hear Damen yelling something and here was a shuffle. I stood up and snatched my mobile off of the counter, running full sprint to the pantry.

I ran inside and closed the door behind me. With one hand on the doorknob I dialed 999 and held the mobile to my ear with a shaky hand.

The operator answered immediately. "Emergency- what service do you require?"

"Hello, um I need the police immediately. Someone is here to get me and he has a knife and I think he's going to kill us." I cried quietly into the receiver.

"It's going to be okay, ma'am. I've notified police task forces; what is your address?"

"Uh it's 39 Clifton Crescent. Please hurry!" I whispered as my whole body shook. It was silent outside the door. What was happening? I wanted to look outside to see if everyone was okay, but I was terrified that Damen would find me.

"I'm sending officers now. Don't panic, ma'am."

"I think something happened- I, I can't hear anything!" I tried to contain my sobs and breathe quietly. I was going to die. And if I didn't I knew someone was. Damen was that kind of person; when he wanted something done, he did it. If he didn't, he did the next best thing.

Only You , Only Us ( One Direction )- (Zayn-Liam-Niall)Where stories live. Discover now