Chapter 20

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Screwy's POV

I hate Sabine and Zeb.

(A/N Just some light humor!)

Ezra's POV

Padme seemed to understand I didn't want to talk anymore. She continued working throughout the day. No one came to see her.
When she was done with her work, it was late afternoon.

"Six, I need to go talk to Jar-Jar Binks," Padme told me.

"Where to?" I asked.

"I told him I would meet him in the council chambers."

"Then off we go."

Padme led me to the council chambers. They were quite impressive. Hundreds of circular platforms surronded the curved walls. In the middle of the room floated one lone platform, obviously where the Chancellor would oversee the meetings.

Padme and I were on one of these platforms. We stood there, waiting. A few moments later, a Gungan walked onto the platform. He was no doubt Jar-Jar Binks.

I stepped back to the edge of the platform and leaned onto the railing as the two talked. I was zoned out for most of the conversation, but occasionally I caught bits and pieces.

It didn't seem to be about politics, but then again, I didn't get politics much.

As I waited for them to get over with, I saw a flash of pink on one of the higher platforms. I looked closer to see it was Sabine. Zeb must be on another platform.

I watched as Sabine delicately set her arms on the railing. Ah, if only I could admit my feelings to her. But she would probably reject me anyway. Sabine didn't seem like the relationship kind of person.

I decided I needed to quit thinking about something that will never happen and focus on what is already happening. I watched Jar-Jar and Padme talk in hushed voices.

Finally, they finished talking and said goodbye.

"Senator, we better take you home," I said as we exited the chambers.

"I do suppose you are right, Six," Padme agreed. "But first I must get some things from my office."

We went back to her office to find Ahsoka waiting for us. "Hello, senator. Master Kenobi sent me to see how the new guard was working for you."

"Quite fine, Ahsoka. Six and I were just about to grab something and go back to my apartment for the night. Any recent discoveries in the assassin case?" Padme asked.

"Not yet, Padme, but Anakin has been working nonstop on it. Obi-Wan sent him to his quarters so he could get some rest," Ahsoka reported.

"Well, tell him to stop worrying so much," Padme pushed open the door of her office. As she did so, I heard a tiny click.

"Get back!" I yelled as I used the force to push them to one end of the hall. A split second later, as I was running to them, a boom that shook the hall flung me against the wall.

Ahsoka's POV

I watched as Spector 6 pushed Padme and I to the end of the hall. As he ran to us, a bomb went off right where Padme was standing a moment ago.

The explosion flung him onto a nearby wall. Thankfully, none of the ceiling collasped and there was no intense smoke from the fire.

But, then again, there was a small fire.

Six, as Padme called him, as pushed us back far enough that we had not been affected. I jumped up and ran to Spector 6.

I rolled him onto his back. His face was covered in soot and he was uncouscous. Then, after a few moments he came to and started coughing.

"Six!" Padme, who followed me over to him, exclaimed.

"We have to get you out of here," he said after his coughing fit.

I grabbed my comm. "Master, there was an explosion by Padme's office," I said hoping Anakin would hear.

"Is anyone hurt?" He asked almost instantly.

"We are all fine," I told him.

"Get out of there! This must have been a bomb from yesterday that was defective," Anakin guessed.

"We are heading to the temple," I informed him as Six and Padme started to head to the entrance of the building.

As we did so, we heard another explosion. "That bomb definitely wasn't from yesterday," Spector 6 pointed out. "Senator, we need to run."

We all started sprinting to the entrance so we could get to our transport. Along the way, I pulled on of the emergency alarms, and people started streaming out of the doors lining the hall.

It became too crowded to move. Along the way, I saw the council room, and I guided Spector 6 and Padme over to it.

"Great, now what? The assassins probably planned this so we could be corned," Six reasoned.

As he finished, shots filled the room.

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