Chapter 40

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This is it! The final chapter. I can't believe it's already the end, it feels as if I just started writing this yesterday! Thank you everyone for your sweet comments and votes and for reading all the way through to the end!

Arielle's POV

I could remember Vincent putting me in the backseat of someone's vehicle. Up until now, everything was blurry, but now I couldn't see anything. It was as if my eyes were shut tight, but they weren't. Even though I could not see, I knew that my mom and Cora were with me in the back seat. Eventually I became unconscious and completely unaware of anything that was going on, But I could still FEEL things. I was completely aware of what was going on with my body.

I felt a stinging sensation in my side and then soon after that, I felt myself being moved. Finally, the movement stopped and my body became rigid and began making jerking movements that I was unable to control. During that time, my eyes finally opened wide and I could see again, all I could see was a bright light above me and people standing and running around me. I tried so hard to ask them where I was and what was happening. I knew my lips were moving, but my voice wouldn't cooperate.

The people were talking to me, but their voices all sounded slurred and I couldn't make out their words. And then I again fell asleep. This time was different though. I couldn't feel any pain. I felt nothing. But I did feel scared. I didn't know why I felt so much fear, I just did. But I wasn't scared for myself. I was scared for our daughter. I felt like something was wrong and that I would never meet her or even see her. And THAT feeling was worse than all the pain combined.

I don't know how I knew, but I knew that my body was trying to give birth. I knew that if I didn't give it all I had that she might not make it. Something in me told me that no matter what, I may not meet her, and if that's the case, I don't want it to be because SHE died. I wanted my baby girl to live, even if it meant that I wouldn't. I knew that there was only room for one of us here on this earth, and I chose her. I focused all my energy on her. And I prayed. I managed to gain some control over my body and my mind and I forced myself push. I could feel the pressure as she made her way out of my body, along with all of my energy.

I had nothing left in me.

I was cold and alone. In a dark place. No sound. No light. Just myself and the infinite emptiness. All I could do was pray that my baby survived the whole process and would recover from this.

I started to cry because I knew that I would never even get to hold her or get to know her. I only hoped that she would know how much I loved her. I would never even know if she made it out alive.

Suddenly, I felt warmth return to my body and I could hear my own heart beating. I gasped for air and was conscious of what was going on around me.

"This is amazing," I heard someone say enthusiastically. "She's a perfectly healthy baby."

"What was the weight, Stephanie?"

"9 pounds and 6 oz., sir. And Arielle is responding well to having her baby against her chest."

I could feel her. I could feel the warmth of every inch of her skin on mine and her heart beating on top of mine. I could smell her and feel her breath against my chest.

Then I heard Vincent's voice. He was talking to somebody. I couldn't make out any words, but I recognized his voice. Finally, the other voices were gone and it was just Vincent, our daughter, and me. He sat beside us, holding my hand, and spoke to us. I wanted so badly to open my eyes, to be able to see the look on his face and to be able to see my daughter's face. But I had a feeling that wouldn't happen. I knew my eyes would never open. But I was happy just to have this moment. I had my husband and I had my daughter, and this was all I ever wanted.

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