A Child Changes Everything. [Luna Longbottom]

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After countless hours of searching, the only thing you were able to piece together from what little details of his personal life he let slip out in his columns was that Artie Huggins lived in Liverpool, England. It wasn’t a whole lot to go off of, and you thought you had finally hit a dead end. That is, until you came across a couple of pieces he contributed to the Quibbler after he was sacked from the Daily Prophet.

“You are sure about this?” Headmistress McGonagall asked. 

“Yes, Headmistress. We are sure.” You said, looking toward Draco. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.

“Very well. A Portkey has been arranged for you. Top secret, of course.” She said, handing you a threadbare old hat. Then she added, “Remember, you are always welcome back.” 

“Thank you, Headmistress. For everything.” She gave you both a friendly smile and left you out on the grounds. Draco stood next to you, Kelly asleep in his arms. It was just before nightfall and she had spent the afternoon swimming in the lake. Her hair dried into a curly mess falling over her face. You felt she deserved a carefree day of fun, because you had no idea when her next one would be.

“Are you ready?” Draco asked. You nodded, but you felt like you were about to hyperventilate. You couldn’t help but feel like you were putting Kelly into grave danger by taking her away from this safe haven. But staying at Hogwarts wasn’t going to make their problems disappear. And Draco refused to let either of you out of his sight. You touched Kelly’s arm, softly jostling her awake. She opened her eyes up lazily.

“Wasgoinon?” she asked sleepily.

“We are going on a trip.”

“Back home? I miss Uncle Harry.” She said. Your eyes caught a quick glimpse of Draco’s face. He had been acting strange the last few days. More distant. Every time you asked him what was bothering him, he said everything was just fine. But you knew it wasn’t. 

“No, sweetie. We are going to visit Luna. Do you remember Mommy’s friend Luna?” you asked, trying to distract her from the thought of Harry.

“She gave me that funny necklace with the bells to keep those nasty nargles away!” 

“Yes, she did.” You smiled, surprised she remembered since she was only 3 when they last saw Luna and Neville. 

“Will Uncle Harry and Uncle Ron and Auntie Hermione be there?”

“No, sweetie, I don’t think so.” 

“Oh… Okay.” She said, then rested her head back on Draco’s shoulder. He looked conflicted as he watched his daughter looking so sad.

“C’mon sweetie, touch this.” You said, holding the hat up to her. She scrunched her nose up at the sight of it but took a corner of it in her tiny fingers just like you were. 

“Hold tight.” Draco said, kissing her cheek. The fear that was in her eyes instantly vanished at the reminder of Draco’s grip around her. Then the three of you were pulled up and whirled away into the distance.

*           *           *           *

The Longbottoms’ front yard was everything you would have expected it to be. The fence, a white picket one, was lined with the same bells that had been on Kelly’s necklace. She pointed this out immediately as you made your way onto the cobblestone path that led to the front door. Strange looking plants lined the front of the house, no doubt a product of Neville’s love of Herbology. Draco set Kelly down onto the ground.

A Child Changes Everything. (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now