A Child Changes Everything. [The Funeral]

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Kelly swung her feet, the heels of her black buckled shoes hitting the hardwood of the pew. She shifted as the man in the long black robes spoke at the head of the room. It was a small room, and still there were many empty seats. The pews squeaked slightly at every movement. Hermione touched Kelly's leg, motioning for her to sit still. Kelly obeyed, folding her hands on top of her dress properly. Hermione held a white handkerchief in her black-laced glove, putting it up to her eyes as she continued to listen to the man at the front of the room.

Harry sat on Kelly's other side, nearest the aisle. He sat rigid, his eyes red-rimmed underneath his glasses. This was the only indication that he was feeling anything at that moment. His expression was blank. From far away, he appeared to be put together. But his shirt beneath his coat jacket was wrinkled, with a brown coffee stain that was hidden beneath a tie that was the wrong shade of blue. He held a program rolled up in his right fist. With each passing minute, it became more and more crumpled in his palm.

An organ began to play in the corner, and everyone stood up. Hermione held out her hand for Kelly, who took it and stood up onto the pew to see better. A hymn was sung out by the funeral attendees. Kelly didn't know the words. Harry also wasn't singing. She reached out to hold his hand. He seemed surprised, and looked down at the little girl standing on the pew next to him. She smiled up at him, her little fingers clasping around two of his.

"You don't know the words either, Uncle Harry?" she whispered. He squeezed her hand.

"I'm not much of a singer, Kelly Belly."

When the hymn ended, everyone sat again. But Kelly was still standing. She looked to the photograph up on display above the mahogany casket at the front of the room, draped in flowers. Her mother's face smiled at her. Suddenly, the door to the tiny church banged open. Everyone turned to the source of the disturbance.

"Daddy!" Kelly yelled happily. Hermione grabbed her before she could run to her father, who stumbled into the room. He was dressed in a white t-shirt with a black dress coat and jeans, a whiskey bottle in one hand. Harry got up immediately and stepped out into the aisle, blocking his way.

"Get the fuck out of my way." Draco growled.

"Draco, this isn't the place."

Cries rang out as Draco charged at Harry angrily. His bottle fell out of his grasp and rolled across the carpet as the two wrestled with each other. Ron and Neville sprang into action, pulling the two apart. Harry's glasses were askew on his face. He shook Ron off of him and straightened himself up.

"YOU DID THIS!" Draco screamed. Kelly's face crumpled watching the scene. She began to cry softly in Hermione's arms. The sound was heartbreaking in the silence that followed Draco's outburst. Harry shook his head. Finally, Draco shook off Neville. He found his feet and stared out at the disapproving faces staring back at him. His eyes were wild, darting around the room maniacally. He rushed up to Harry, pointing a finger hard into his chest.

"You killed her."

"She said the words. Not me." Harry whispered, holding out a hand to stop Ron and Neville from restraining Draco again.


"How can you let your daughter see you like this?" Harry asked. Draco's eyes widened, as if he only just realized that Kelly was in the room. He turned immediately and saw Hermione holding her protectively. He smiled, holding out his arms for her.

"No, Draco," Harry said firmly.

"She's my daughter, not yours." Draco spoke harshly. His hands shook, and his head seemed to twitch ever so slightly.

"You aren't fit, and you know it. Stop this, now. It's a funeral, for Christ's sake!"

"Kelly, come to Daddy!" Draco called out. Harry took this as the last straw, grabbing Draco and forcing him backwards. Suddenly, Draco's fist collided with Harry's jaw. But Harry kept pushing, forcing Draco back out through the double doors and onto the front lawn of the tiny church. Draco fell backward onto the ground. Blood appeared at the corner of Harry's mouth where Draco had struck him. He touched the spot tenderly, wiping the blood away. Draco jerked up from the ground, fuming.

"Clean yourself up, Draco." Harry said, giving him a disgusted look.

"Fuck you." Draco spat his words out at Harry. People filtered out of the church, glaring at Draco as he stood in front of them. He swayed slightly, but his anger seemed to dissipate at the sight of all of the angry faces of the funeral attendees. Hermione pushed through, Kelly still in her arms. Draco's face tightened at the sight of her. His hand flew to his coat self-conciously, and he straightened himself. But then he stopped. His face fell, all anger left behind and replaced by shame. He stumbled away, looking back only at Kelly a few times as he made his way up the dirt road.

"Daddy?" Kelly asked, confused.

"Daddy has to go right now, sweetie." Hermione whispered, rocking Kelly soothingly. She handed her handkerchief to Harry. He thanked her, holding it to the corner of his mouth to clean up the blood that still flowed from the open cut.

"Alright everyone. Back inside." Harry motioned, swinging his arms to signal that everyone return to their seats. Murmurs floated through the crowd as they shuffled back into the small room and settled in again. The officiater cleared his throat, urging that everyone be quiet. Harry settled back into his seat. Hermione reached out and squeezed his arm. He nodded at her appreciatively before resuming the blank stare he had before all the ruckus commenced. Kelly stayed sitting on Hermione's lap for the rest of the service, but she didn't pay any attention to the man in the long black robes. She watched the doors that Draco disappeared through, waiting for them to open again. She waited and waited. But he never came back.

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