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Chapter Five: "What The Hell Is Wrong With Me?"
THERE WERE A crowd of people in front of the bulletin board. I wanted to push through to get to the front but Eduardo and Mary held me back, knowing that it will disperse soon. I haven't seen Lucas today and that made me wary. I liked seeing him, he seemed different, different than any guy I've ever known. There was something about him that made me want to know him better. Not that I even knew him.
A figure stood beside me and Zen leaned his head back against the wall, where a painting of a blue mermaid laid back and his head was on the end of her tail. "You think you made it?" He asked me in his deep voice.
I shrugged. "I don't know. I hope so."
He stood up straighter, crossing his leg over the other and crossing his arms. With the look on his face that usually looked as if he was sleepy, he smiled lightly. That's when I noticed that something was off with him. It wasn't just me who noticed too. Mary Anne looked at him closely, grabbing his face with one hand before sighing. "Again? I honestly thought you would give this up in senior year."
He licked his lips. "Old habits die hard."
Eduardo walked over, staring at his best friend before rolling his eyes. "I can't believe you."
Zen laughed a little longer than he should have. "Oh come on Ed, it was just a little. I didn't even smoke the whole blunt. It barely affected me." My eyes widened at what he said and I realized why he looked weird.
"I'm not the problem. I'm not even the one who'll get THAT mad. I don't care if it was a little, we're trying to look out for you. Think about Kim."
"Fuck Kim," Zen muttered. "She's busy all the time. Always talking about that stupid teacher Mr. Stiles." He muttered a few other things before walking off and I could see Eduardo struggle not to go after him before taking a deep breath, leaning against the wall.
There was a moment of silence between the three of us as people kept coming through the hall, checking to see if their name was on the list. "W-What about Kim?"
"What about her?" Eduardo asked me, closing his eyes briefly.
"Why did you tell him to think about Kim?" I asked, curiously.
Eduardo's eyes opened to look at his girlfriend. Mary Anne laid a hand on my shoulder. "Kim's dad died from a drug overdose when she was younger. Zen and her have been close since middle school. Last year Zen kind of started going to places and getting into the whole scene. He swore that he would stop because Kim didn't like it when he was like...that. It reminded her of her dad but-"
"But it looks like promises are meant to be broken unfortunately," Eduardo muttered, pushing his hair back. "Great now my mood is ruined. I'll be back, you guys can check if we made the team. That is honestly the last thing on my mind right now."
Eduardo trudged off with a hard look in his eyes. I could see Sarah coming towards us, tapping on her Samsung. "What's wrong with Eduardo?" She asked and I was shocked. How the hell could see tell when she was constantly on her phone?
"Zen." Mary Anne said and grabbed my arm. "Let's see if your name is on the list."
The crowd was small now, only three people looking up at the board. When they had left, Sarah, Mary Anne and I glanced at the board where the list was. I took a deep breath and looked through the names:
2014-2015 Hamilton Academy of the Arts Elite team
Matilda Dandan

The Artist and The Dancer
Teen FictionHamilton Academy of the Arts. The school Sydney Acosta moved to all the way from Toronto, Ontario in a barely known city. After the divorce between her mother and father, she's stuck by her mother's side, following her to another city in Canada. Her...