Epilogue: Change.

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final part to this story is dedicated to rex who had made the amazing cover at the top💖love ya BrainNemesis go check out her covers. they are amazing. more at the end :)

Epilogue: "Change."

"SERIOUSLY?" I ASKED, trying to get through the crowd of people walking up and down the streets.

The blare of horns sounded through my ears and I could smell the smoke of someone smoking against the wall of a convenience store. I stopped behind a bunch of people in the sidewalk waiting for the light to turn red so I could cross to the other side of the road.

"Is it my fault?" He exclaimed through the other end of the phone. "The man wasn't listening to me. I had to fire him. I mean what's the point of being there if you aren't even doing your part properly. You call yourself an actor, you have to fucking act. Not whine and complain all the time."

"Matthew." I sighed.

"Don't Matthew me like that Sydney. You only do that whenever you want me to handle something better." Zen muttered. Well he didn't really go by Zen anymore. He stuck to Matthew. Everyone knew him by Matthew.

That Zen from high school was gone.

I could imagine him walking through the short hallways of our apartment, jumping onto the couch and complaining to himself about how he had to cut his hair again. He hated it every time his hair grew it and it apparently it didn't look great whether it was short or long. He looked great with a buzzcut but the idiot obviously didn't understand that.

"You should've handled it better." I told him.

"Where are you headed? Did you just finish rehearsal?" He asked and I heard a sound in the background but didn't make notice of it.

"Yeah," I looked up and realized I could cross the street. "I'm heading to Starbucks. Want anything?"

"Sure. My usual."

"Of course." I muttered, continuing to walk with the crowd to make my way down to the next block.

"Of course?" He exclaimed incongruously. "The attitude in that sentence. I never get used to that."

"Its in the fine print of the contract you signed after we moved in together."

"Shut up. I hate you sometimes you know that?"

"You love me." I teased, just when I got the call of someone else ringing me up. I looked at the phone and grinned. "Wesley's calling me."

"Are you going to stay at Starbucks for a while?"

"Maybe...unless you want to meet me here?" I asked.

"Give me at least a half an hour. I need to take Vex out for a walk. Then I need to talk to Marielle."

"Ooh Marielle." I couldn't help but tease as I walked into the warm store. I stood in the line, smiling to myself when I realized that Wesley stopped calling but I knew he would call again in five minutes.

"Shut up." Zen muttered and I could hear Vex back in the background.

"Remind me again why you wanted a dog though?"

"With you going to go all over the place and even leaving me in this house alone for a week when you go back to Toronto in a month, I realized I needed company."


"I know you aren't that big a fan of him but just get used to him will you? He loves me, I love you and you love me therefore you'll eventually love him."

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