Chapter Twenty-Three: I Can't Describe You.

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My birthday on May 27th....yay! haha sorry for the late update, I mean it. REALLY SORRY FOR THAT. BUT I UPDATED NOWWWW

Chapter Twenty Three: "I Can't Describe You."

"TARZAN, JUNGLE MAN, swinging from a rubber band, oops falls breaks his bones-"

"Wait...I swear its flip flops breaks his bones."

"No it's oops falls." I told Eduardo who's giving me a look claiming that I am totally at fault in this hand game back from elementary school days.

"No it's not. I don't know how you say the game back in your city but in this town we say 'oops falls'." He told me and I let him win, rolling my eyes and turning to Octavia in my seat who was putting new songs onto my phone. My friends and I were seated at our table in the quad, each of us within our own conversations. 

"Put this song." Zen told her, grabbing my phone out of Octavia's hand and looking through it.

"Um...what the hell is that? No, she doesn't need any of your depressing music."

"She doesn't need any of your music where all you do is shake your ass."

"You just insulted an entire culture of music."

"So did you." Zen pointed out, tugging on the sleeves of his black sweater.

I almost shivered underneath my blazer as a cold breeze whipped through the air. The weather was getting colder and colder, affecting me as I left my sweater in my locker like an idiot and didn't bother getting it when Mary Anne dragged me outside to the quad.

Someone tapped on the back of my shoulder and I quickly looked behind me to find Lucas looking down at me his hands holding onto the beanie and the piece of cake in the Tupperware, the ring on his middle finger glinting before the sun went behind the clouds.


"Hi." I told him, reaching over to my backpack to hand him something. "Here."

"What is that?" Kim asked, eyeing what I was giving to Lucas concealed in a container. 

"It's a type of stewed beans and rice that my mom usually makes," I answered for her. "Lucas here doesn't like beans in general but I promised him that he'll like this." 

"I'm putting my faith in you," Lucas mumbled. 

"My mom's cooking never fails," I assured him. I wasn't lying. My mom could cook up a storm in the kitchen if she had the chance to. I eyed the food inside the Tupperware Lucas was holding. "So this is what you made last night? The actual guava cake?'

"I told you I would make it for you, didn't I?"

We both shared a smile as I grabbed a fork. Another cold breeze whipped through the air and I shivered once again. Lucas noticed, asking, "You cold?"

"Yeah, I need to go to my locker to get my sweater."

"I'll come with." 

As we got up, starting to leave the quad, I heard Octavia shout, "Be safe."

Lucas looked confused by I coughed awkwardly knowing what she meant. "Um...she's just kidding."

"Interesting friends."

"I know." I said quickly as we passed by people who were playing on the trumpets.

My fingers trailed along the wall where a huge mural of a mermaid was one of the doors of an empty classroom. "This is so cool."

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