1: Lyla Gort

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Looking at everyone walking pass by me while I'm just listening to my music, Spotify to be exact. It's like the best creation cause you could listen to songs that matches how you're feeling. If I feel up and go lucky, I put on the Wake Up Happy playlist and smile wherever I go, if I feel a bit down because of some shitty thing, Ballads Only will understand and the lyrics are the only thing can keep me company. If I just want to chill, something makes my heart smiles with the strings of guitars, Singer-Songwriter is the answer and Coffeehouse Jazz if I want some sexy saxophone to calm my nerves. 

And honestly, it's the only thing that could understand me cause no one can understand me how music does. That's the power of music, I guess. Sitting at a coffee shop drinking coffee while looking at the students walking in and out to order their daily caffeine intake, and yeah, I'm not waiting on anyone, I just like sitting here and enjoying the morning ambiance and beautiful music before heading on to class. 

"Lyla? Lyla?", I remove my headphones and hang it around my neck as I hear someone whispering my name. I turn over and I see Fred, he's the barista here and I guess he's sort of the only person I talk to. "Oh Fred, I am so sorry, I was.."

"Enjoying some tunes, yeah", he chuckled, "it's just that, aren't you going to be late for class?", he pointed at the clock by the door and it's 5 more minutes till 10am, "oh, shit! I never realized! Thanks Fred! See you later!", I grab my bag and run to class. I am such in a trance when I put these headphones on but at the same time, I hate being late cause all the good seats in the class would be taken and I would have to end up sitting somewhere in the corner where my neck would hurt to see the slides or somewhere so behind that it's hard to hear a word what the lecturer is talking about or even the front seats where I have to look up on the slides, I hate that one the most. 

Pushing the door open, everyone is already seated and the lecturer is still sorting out his stuffs, and I saw an empty seat on the third row where it's a good spot for my vision and neck, but as I climb up the stairs, someone just came out of nowhere and took that seat. Great! So, I look around like a meerkat to look for a seat but there's none, of course and I look at the front row is completely empty. I took a breath and go down and sit in the front. 

"Alright guys, what in the world is a merger?", the lecturer finally spoke up and put up the slides, and my neck has already straining. 


Everyone seems to know everyone here, walking everywhere in twos or threes or even in a huge group. Here I am, walking alone and putting my headphones on. Call me a little girl or a 10th grader, but One Direction knows how to make a girl feel good about herself, those boys know what they're saying. I laugh at myself all the time when I realize that I enjoy their music, but that's the truth and I ain't denying it. Another thing that made me laugh is how I hold from singing out the songs I'm listening to, sometimes I just want to sing it out loud but there's too many people and my voice ain't from an angel so to minimize the casualties, I hold it in me. 

I walk into a bookstore just to buy some notebooks and as I standing at the cashier line, I can't help but to hum to Drag Me Down, that song is so empowering cause yeah, nobody can drag me down. I saw the girl in front of me is holding a book I read before and it was a good book. I took of my headphones and tap this girl's shoulders, she turned to me and I smiled, "sorry, but can't help but to notice that you're buying that book, I read it before and it's good buy. You won't be sorry". 

She smiled back, "really? It was a friend's suggestion, and I'm really hoping for it to be a good book. It might not be Paper Towns or If I Can Stay but yeah, I'm willing to give it a try". 

She's one of those readers, reads the movie-turned-books. "Yeah, maybe you could like cast your own cast when you're reading this book", I respond and she looked at me like I'm talking gibberish. "You know, cause you cast only in....", "next!", I was interrupted by the lady in the counter and she just walked away heading to the cashier. How come she did not get what I said? Did I say something wrong? Why can't I make the conversation lasts for at least 5 minutes? I can't help but to feel like I'm a failure, cause it happens like this all the time. Even in parties, everybody would start talking and as I jump into the conversation, they don't quite know how to respond and when there's a song coming up, they would yell, "ah! This is my song!", and agreeing cause it's everybody's song apparently. I'm not the techno type so yeah, I didn't yell the same thing, but instead I said, "oh I'm not into these kind of tracks", they immediately looked at me like I'm an alien cause I don't fancy that kind of music?  From wanting to make friends in a party, I end up leaving the party and switched my own music in my room and have my own party. 

Walking back to my room, I communicate to my one and only friend, music. Trying to drown the feelings that I feel like I don't belong, but at the same time I'm glad that music exists and I wouldn't want to change myself for those people. If they don't get me, why should I change so that we could hang out every minute every hour? I rather be with myself, cause I'm the best company I can get. Unlocking my door, I see my roommate, Kelsey. Now, that's weird cause she's rarely here, she's always at her boyfriend's.

"Oh hi, Lyla", she said. "Hey, Kelsey", I respond. "I'm out in a minute, I'm just looking for the green jacket that I brought from home, I have been wearing the same jean jacket and I look like a homeless guy cause I've been wearing that every single day. Even Chad is bored with that jacket", she explains and I nod at the explanation why she's here but honestly,she doesn't have to. "You don't have to explain why you're here Kelsey, technically this is your room too, you know". 

"I know, but I know how you like your privacy cause you're like alone, everywhere so I did not want to cross a line or something", she said and she somehow just crosses the line but I'm not going to say it cause I'm just not in the mood. 

"No problem, Kelsey". 

"Got it! Alright, I'm outta your hair, see you later!", in seconds she leaves the room. For a second there, I actually like the company but can't force her from her boyfriend. Unplugging the headphones, connecting my phone to the speaker, James Morrison is singing and I decided to sing with him. 

'And I'm running to you, baby
Cause you, the only one can save me,
That's why, I've been missing you lately
You make it real for me'

This made me miss the guy that actually understood me, but well, things don't work out. That's life. 


a/n: hi peeps! Yep, new story. I feel disconnected with the previous story and I'm sorry for putting it on hold and here is a new story, I hope I have time to update this and make you guys feel this story the way I do. Please, all comments are welcome! Let's not be quiet readers, drop your comments! If you comment, automatically, you made my day! :DD

Till next time,lovessss!

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