11: Tide is high

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I'm sitting on a bench at Ankershire train station and I'm moving my head from left to right, looking for Fred. I look at my phone to check if Fred sent any texts saying where he is, but nada. So I just wait there and place both of my knuckles below my chin. Moments later, I heard a voice behind me. "You were just here? I looked for you everywhere!", I turned around and it's Fred, "what? Why were you looking for me everywhere, I'm just right here, in front of the platform and you would see me right away? Where did you go?".

"I went outside the station, waiting for you to pick me up of course!", he said and I dropped my jaw, "I was here waiting to pick you up, why didn't you call me that you were looking for me?". "My battery's dead, so that's why I just decided to stand right at the entrance so that you won't miss me", he said and I replied, "clearly, you missed me". Then he smiled and lowering his head down on me, "yes, I did". 

I looked at him strangely, did he meant that he missed seeing me when he got out of the train or he actually missed me? I shake myself to realization, this is Fred we're talking about. I pushed him off to clear the air space between us, "now, let's go". As we get into the car, I noticed that his bagpack is huge, like a camping bagpack. "You're not planning on going camping are you? It is the middle of winter", I said while started driving. He chuckled, "Why not? Like an old man once said, 'there's never a bad weather, just bad clothing'", what does that even mean, I thought and I asked him that. "What does that even mean?", and he explained, "we could just go camping in the middle of winter if we bring the right clothing", I take my vision away from the road to him for a second, and back onto the road, "That's ridiculous, and no we are not going camping", I told him firmly. "Good, cause I didn't bring any camping gear", he said and again, I'm confused, "so that's not camping stuffs in there?"."No, it's just my keyboard and some beat keyboards for us to work on our song", he said. I nod my head in understanding, "well, that, I don't mind", I smiled at him. I look at him smiling back at me and somehow I feel nervous, like having jitters before giving a speech. "Sooo, what are we going to do tonight?", he asks and I haven't thought that far. "Err, let's go have dinner and see where the night takes us. You're okay with that?". He smirked, "okay, that's impressive". I raised an eyebrow, "impressive? Dinner is impressive? You want pizza delivery instead?", I joked and he shook his head, "no no, dinner is lovely but I never thought you were adventurous yet spontaneous. I thought you're more of a plan ahead kind of girl, doing everything according to plan", what he said made me smile, I never thought of myself like that as well. "Maybe it's being at home spirit I guess, lettin' lose and just enjoy being home", I replied.

"Yeah", he said, dragging the word as if the word home gave an effect on him. Well he is not at home right now, or even before, does he even have a home? I better not ask cause maybe it'll cross a line, he'll tell me if he wants me to know. 

Reaching home, I opened the door and screamed, "I'm home", like everyone does when they reach home and then I see my brother coming down looking date-ready as always, "Yo, Lyle, what do you think of this sweater..", and when he look up and notice a stranger of a man in his house, he crosses his arms, "who's this?". Before I could introduce Fred, he came forward and extend his hand for a handshake, "I'm Fred, a friend of Lyla's at college". Liam just look at him, and I can see that he's acting the older brother role, acting all macho and shit. "Just shake his hand already, Liam". 

Liam shook his hand and pull him closer, "you better treat my sister right, or you're gonna get it". Did I just hear....did he just..."Liam, he's a friend! Oh Gosh, why are you so annoying? Just go get ready for your date and by the way the sweater's fine!". Liam let go of Fred and pull out his phone, "you know what, for a second thought, I'm gonna cancel tonight's date", I asked him why and he said, "to go dinner with you of course little sister", he's starting to get on my nerves. "But I'm having dinner with Fred tonight?"

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