8: See You Again

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Hanging out with Dylan has been weird but great at the same time, he just shows this much affection but he doesn't want anything to do with me, but still he wants to hang with me. This whole casual thing is just new to me and I'm overthinking everything! 

The first dinner we had, he walked me back home and before I walk into my room, he said, "I'm glad you agreed to have dinner with me, let's do this again", and winked. He winked! And may I say this, it's as dreamy as it gets, and I just stood there watching him walk away and when he's like 100 yards away then my brain decided to switch back on and instructed my mouth to move, "yeah, see you soon", I said. He obviously didn't hear me cause my brain shut down and I just stood there like a fool, when he's flirting with me. I think? That's the thing, was he flirting? Or was he just being friendly? Or is that what the guys do to their friends that are girls? 

Not only that, he even offered to pay my coffee when we bumped into each other at the cafe, why would he want to pay my coffee when we are just hanging out? And that's not even the best part, we decided to take a walk in the autumn breeze after that and he linked his arm with mine. What is that? It really seemed like we are a couple having a romantic walk. And to put a sprinkle of rainbow confusion of this cupcake, he finds me interesting and he enjoys spending time with me. I don't know what the hell is going on? Does he like like me or just like me? Rosie would hit my head if I ever say that out loud. 

Walking into Fred's place to work on our song, he invited me into his studio apartment and I can see his little studio in the middle of the living room. He sits down on his table with his Macbook on it and some sort of beat keyboard beside it, and there's also an actual keyboard next to it. I'm actually screaming inside cause this is just too cool, too cool. "You really look like you are ready to drop a hit single", I told him. 

He pulled up his sleeve and smiled, "thanks, now you know where all my barista pay goes to". 

I take a sit on the sofa and tie my hair up into a ponytail, getting ready to work on this. "So, what have you got so far?", he asked me and I passed him my notebook. He took it and read it through, and then he furrowed his eyebrows and I immediately cringed, "what's wrong with it? Does it suck?".
When he doesn't respond, I put my head down and grunted, "I knew it. It sucks. Maybe writing lyrics are just not my thing". 

"Hey, I did not say anything like that", he finally responded and I put my head up once again to look at him, "so what are you going to say then, Frederick?", he scratched his head and opened his mouth but nothing came out. "Just tell me, why don't you?", I startled him and he instantly said, "it just sounds like you put so much effort into it". I furrowed my eyebrows, "I did put so much effort onto it, what are you saying?". "He puts my notebook down and rub his jaw, "Yeah, it's too much effort that it sounds heartless, no emotions, you know what I mean? But you know your way with words, it just doesn't seem to tap in, you know?". I bit my lip, understanding what he's saying. "I told you that this is my first attempt and I might not be good at this, at all so I understand that if you want to look for another lyricist to work with..", I stood up and grab my bag and then Fred grab a hold of my arm, "sit down, Lyla. I still want to work with you. Let's just work our way through it, alright?".

"You are already producing, you don't have to help with the lyrics, that's supposed to be my part", I told him and still standing while he holds my arm. "hey, I don't mind helping plus I have a feeling that we're going to make a good one here", I chuckled, "maybe I should just stick to listening and enjoying music with my earphones on, rather than having an actual interest in music making". 

"Could you just sit down, Lyla", he insisted and I sat down and folded my arms because I don't see any point of sitting here when I suck at this. "Okay, what were you feeling when you wrote this?"

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