17: Work

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Being in Fred's studio is like a little escape for me, and working on this song is also an escape from reality and the bunch of work that I actually have to do but sometimes a girl needs to breath. Take a step back and put that little busy soul at ease with a favourite past time, as for me it's music. Listening to music is great, I love it and I need it every time but making music, it's a serenity of a whole other level. I learn a lot from Fred, he understood my lyrics and he made an excellent job creating a melody with it. 

"I really like the idea of a piano accompanying the lyrics, it's emotional but at the same time it could be a breakthrough. Your musical mind is a genius, Frederick", I complimented him. 

"I can't take all the credit, you're starting to get the musician vibe here", I chuckled at his compliment, "but clearly I don't have the voice for it, I mean not to brag but this could be a powerful ballad where great vocals could like slay it, you know? Rachel Platten-ish, if you know what I mean", I told him.

He nods his head understanding, "do you want to try to go on a higher note?", and I laughed cause I just told him that I don't have the vocals, "did you hear what I said just now?"

"Oh come on, let's give it a shot. Sing high at the chorus", he suggested and I crossed my arms, "no". 

"Try at least", "no, I would sound horrible", it's  not that I mind if Fred laughs at me and of course I'll laugh at myself too but I just didn't want to cause it'll sound horrible. "You never know unless you try", he said

I chuckled, "trust me, I've tried. I sang all the time and you don't want to hear me hitting those notes cause most probably, you wouldn't want to work with me again". "You know what, let's just maintain the slow pace of this song, it's more meaningful and self discovery sort of way", he replied.

"See, you wouldn't want to see that side of me. It ain't pretty", I said and focusing on his keyboard,not looking at me, he muttered under his breath, "I wouldn't mind anyways".

"Really?", I asked him and he turned his chair around to face me. "I practically lived with you back during the holidays, and didn't mind the fact that you put on music all the time, and singing it along so yeah, I heard those high notes attempt", he chuckled. I scrunched my forehead, "I know having a guest room nearby with the kitchen will have its disadvantages. So basically, you heard it so why did you ask me to do it when you know I'm horrible at it?", I asked.

"Because I like to see you try, it's funny", he laughed. I had a disgusted look on my face,"you sadist, you  like to see me suffer". "Hey, I was still up when you went down to have your midnight snack or something and I happen to have a free Beyonce concert", I pushed his shoulder, "shut up!". 

"And you want to know what's the best part is?", I cover my face with my hands to hide the shades of red appearing on my cheeks. "Do I even want to know?", I muttered within my hands. He took a grip on both of my hands and pull it down, I can see his eyes and my God, what's up with his eyes? The shame that I felt miraculously disappeared and instead, I felt calm and the touch of his hand on my wrists gives me this electrocuted feeling. What is this feeling? You're being electrocuted but you don't mind it, instead you yearn it more. 

"After every high note and you failed, you kept quiet for 3 seconds and then you laugh, loud at yourself", he said and I can't help but to smile cause it's true. I always laugh when I try to sing high and then ended up failing. He let go of my wrists, I wish he hadn't though."That's the highlight of my day", he said and chuckled. "You must find me a dork", I giggled. "Well, you did scream out my name the time at the project briefing", he said. I nod agreeing at his word, "and the time you fight with your brother with everything", I nod again. "how bout that time when you stand on stage at the coffee place you  love, and just stood there?", okay, now I'm getting intimidated, "alright alright, I get the picture". 

Being Misunderstood [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora