12: What I Like About You

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As soon we sit ourselves at this small restaurant, we all take a look at the menus and do you know the feeling that you're being watched and when you look around, no one is actually looking at you? I get that a few times, and a lot of times when people just stare at me like I'm some alien and well, I've explained that thoroughly but right now, it's one of the times that I feel like I'm being watched and as I lift my head to see who's watching me cause I will tell them that if you have something to say then just say it to my face rather than staring at me and make me wonder what you think of me, it's not that I give a damn what other people think of me but I'm curious. I see a pair of brown eyes looking right at me, and he's sitting right in front of me, and he did not look away. Well, curiosity did kill a cat. 

"What are you staring at, Fred? Do I have something on my face?", I asked to lighten up the mood and also wonders do I really have something on my face? Liam looked at me and said, "yeah, you do have something", and he extends his finger and come closer onto my face, and flick my nose. "OW!", I exclaimed. Fred laughed and said, "Liam's got it though". 

"Well, it's gone now", he joked and I know now that there was nothing on my face. "You jerk", I called him and he laughed, "you did have something on your face", "what was it?", I asked and he looked at Fred who is looking through the menu, and looked back at me, "the lovebug". I put on a confusing look and look at Fred and as I understand what my brother is getting to, I pulled back. "Oh no, we're just friends. How many times do I have to explain that?". Before my brother could respond, a waiter comes over to take our orders. "I'll take the risotto", Fred ordered and Liam ordered beef lasagne cause he's enjoying the holidays and not going to care about his diet and myself, I ordered a small meaty pizza. 

"So, Fred", Liam took a bite of his lasagne and continues his question, "why aren't you spending your holidays with family? Especially tonight, new years eve?", I almost scoffed out the olive on my pizza piece. I can't believe Liam just blurted out utter rudeness, "for God sakes' Liam! I'm sorry Fred, as you have noticed that my brother is rude", I try to apologize to Fred on behalf of my lovely, ruthless brother. Fred chuckled, "no no, it's fine". "See, it's fine. Plus, this is how guys talk, we go straight to the point, lay it all on the table cause us guys aren't judgmental like girls, who always walk around the bush cause you don't want to be judged", Liam proved his point and I just sigh, accepting the situation. "You don't have to answer if it's too personal, Fred", I said and Liam cuts me off, "let him answer, why are you stopping him?", Fred put his hands up between us to stop us from starting another argument, "okay guys, I think we could put aside our swords and spears for the night. Anyways, I'm not with my family right now because they're on a cruise holiday, my parents are to be exact. I'm an only child and I would be bored to death or annoyed to be the third-wheel to my parents so I just decided to stay and let them have a romantic getaway", he explains with this cute smile on his face. "That's sweet of you, Fred and I am extremely jealous that you're an only child", I said and Liam scoffed cause he's always have a response, "well, Lyle. I don't think I could say the same cause I could really use..", awww, Liam is attempting to be sweet for once. ".....clown for when I play circus back when I was 10. You were even my bearded lady, did you remember that? I used to stick the stuffed toys fillings onto your chin", he continued and I knew that it was too good to be true.  I put my hands on my face and laughed because as he was the worst brother, he's also the best brother cause he never fails to put a smile on my face. 

After dinner, we stepped out the restaurant and Liam is hailing a cab, "Bro, where are you going? I drove here remember?", the cab pulled over and he kissed my cheek, "I have a date tonight remember? I might not have the dinner part, but the rest of the night is still a plan I wouldn't want to miss", he said and I told him before he steps into the cab, "very smooth, bro". Now I've realized that I'm left alone with Fred, I'm not supposed to feel nervous but I am. I smile awkwardly, "well, you have been quiet". Fred look over me and said, "you and your brother were having a brawl, and I think it wouldn't be wise to interrupt". Again, I apologized cause excluding him may seem impolite. "I'm sorry about that though, I should've talked to you and..", then I feel his hands on my shoulder, "don't worry about it, I was greatly entertained", he smile that cute smile again. "I bet you were! So, umm, where should we go now?", I asked him without making straight eye contact because I wouldn't want him to see the blush that's growing on my cheeks. "You're the expert, Ankershire is not my usual getaway", he joked and I might have an idea. "I have a place in mind", I said and he link arms with me as make our way to the car.

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