13: It's Alright It's Ok

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I look at his tall body standing up, smiling showing all of his teeth and strongly clapping his hands. My eyes are glued to him, I could not move. Why is he here? That might be a silly question because he's from here but doesn't he have any better plans to do away from here on New Year's Eve? My vision is solely on him, cause just by the way that he smiles, all these feelings come fluttering back and I don't know what to do with these feelings. Am I supposed to be mad? Sad? Or happy that I get to see him after our breakup. Then a warm hand touched my shoulder and I look back and the warmth on Fred's face brought the balance back in my sudden instability. 

"Are you okay?", he asked and I mumbled, "yeah, I'm fine. I need a drink". I walk down that small stage and straight on walking to the bar and rest my bum on one of the stools. "A beer please", I asked from the bartender and he quickly place a bottle in front of me. Efficient, I like it. Especially in these times if my eyes are playing with me or is the New Year's thing clouding my mind, I don't even know what I'm thinking but I know this is some sort of a mind trick. 

"Are you having a nervous breakdown there? Don't you worry, Lyla, you did well. People liked it, I liked it and you should like it too", Fred turns his head in my direction and smile. I guess that he's right, why am I fretting about something that I don't even know it's true when I actually did something fun and impressive tonight? "Thanks, Fred. It's just, I thought someone I knew in the audience and I just froze but no worries, it might be someone else cause it would be weird if he was here and..."

"Lyla! That was amazing! I never thought you could sing, I know you fancy music in a deep way but I never know you got that inside of you", suddenly I turn my head to the direction of the voice and fuck,it's really him. In the flesh. Right in front of my eyes. Looking goddamn beautiful as ever. I try to say his name without sounding like a total idiot, like I'm always am. "K-k-karl! Hi! Thanks, I err...I too never thought that I had it in me", ughh I sound like an idiot already. "Hey, I'm Fred", Fred stood up and extend his hand, and him introducing himself without any help might be his sort of thing. "Karl", he smiled and shook Lyla's hand. "Yeah, I heard stuffs about you", Fred said with a strong masculine voice and I can feel my cheeks reddened. WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT? I look at him with furrowed eyebrows implying that he should not say such things, cause what else would I talk about Karl to him if not the high school relationship that we once were. "Oh", Karl managed to say and he starts to fidget, and things are getting kind of awkward so I decided to make it less awkard if that's even fucking possible. 

"Well, what brings you back to this damn old place, Karl?", I said trying to sound cool as possible as if this old place is not a destination to be on holidays compared to Costa Rica, Barbados etc. "Oh, I thought I just come home and see my parents...",he said and I interrupted, "how are they? Are they good?", I smiled sincerely. "They're great, thanks. How are yours? Still fun and hip, I presume", he replied and I chuckled, "Fun, yeah but hip, maybe". "So, how you've been?", he asked and is he interested in my well-being? Does he want to reconnect with me? Is this really happening? Fred is just busy with his phone and chugging the beer he ordered. It's nice of him to not intefere considering the history that Karl and I had. 

"I've been well, thanks. You?", I know how you've been. You've been fantastic, having a great first year in uni where everyone knows you and on top of that, you even look great! If only he knows how I've really been where some moments he popped into my mind and the rest of the day my mind is occupied with him. "I've been well as well..", before he could continue, this girl that is shorter than me stood beside him and intertwined with his hands.She had decent makeup on her face and I would compliment on her make-up but na'ah, not anymore after she rudely interrupted a conversation that might lead to something. How dare she?! I was talking to him, and she rudely come over and act slutty. Before I could push this girl to the wall, she speaks up, "sorry babe, the bathroom queue was so long. I can't believe they only had 2 stalls.  "Oh, Lyla. Meet my girlfriend, Jenny", he smiled. All I can do is smile back and play a part where I'm supposed to be happy for him cause he successfully found someone better than me. "Oh, hi. I'm Lyla". 

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