16: Limousine

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Sitting on the couch just staring into the blank wall and Dylan place a box of pizza on the coffee table. A part of my mind is happy for this moment cause he's finally ready to go steady, and I have been waiting and hoping but another part of me can't stop thinking about Fred and another part of me questions why in the world would I be thinking about him when clearly he's not thinking of me in the same way? Yes, I do have a crush on him and that's basically it. It's a friendly crush, and I'm lucky enough to have him as a friend. And earth to Lyla, his taste in women are like Jenny and I'm not anywhere close like her, so there's practically 0% chance for him to like me...in the way that I like him. 

"Everything okay, Lyla?", Dylan's voice knocked me out from my thoughts. I just nod and smile cause I don't know whether everything is okay. He sits beside me and sighed, "listen Lyla, I know this is surprising. I'm not the type of guy that easily falls for a girl. I mean, yeah, I've been dating a bunch of them but no one make me feel comfortable the way you do, like I could say anything stupid and you don't judge me or anything. Believe me, this surprises me too and hell yeah, I'm scared of this cause commitment was never my thing and to open up myself, it's just ...never happened". He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, more like fear and disappointment all combined and for once, I feel the connection. It seems like he has put on this facade to get girls and if the slightest ounce of real him show through, he would get judged, he would not seem as great anymore. I've always thought that he's always..perfect. Good looking, charming and knows what to say and when to say it and above all, confident. He put his face in both of his palms, "you wouldn't understand, Lyla. Look at you! You could be who you are, quirky and all but still, have guys fall head over heels for you", I laugh at his comment. "Seriously, Dylan? Do you seriously think I'm a dude magnet?", I asked him and he answered, "I'm one of them, aren't I?". I took the pizza take a bite to calm my nerves, "the only one, in fact". 

"Listen, Dylan. I understand more what you're going through but the way I handled it is a bit different", he looked at me waiting for me to continue. "I simply do not care". 

He chuckled, "what do you mean, you don't care?", now he nervously take a pizza and that shows he really knows what I mean. I swallowed the last of my pizza slice and and put my hand on top of his, "Dylan, you do not have to act to be a hot shot with the girls. Girls are judgemental, ultra judgemental, trust me, I know but you don't have to be judgemental towards yourself. Who's going to love you when you, yourself does not?". He looked more disappointed than ever, "I might started off knowing you as this handsome, confident, super sweet, cool and has everything together  and yeah, I was smitten with that guy, it's like knowing a celebrity crush but right now, when you're telling me that you're not actually like that, and the fact that you do that because you're afraid no one is gonna like you, and also the fact that you're telling me this right now, straight honesty here, is really brave", he looked at me and smiled a little smile. "You don't have to wait for a person that is willing to be with you flaws and all, then you can be yourself. Nothing is stopping you from being yourself, so what  if girls don't dig the real Dylan Jones, but someone will, cause isn't that what we're all looking for anyways? Someone".  He extend his arms and give me a hug, he needs this hug and to be fairly honest, it seems like I need this hug as much as he does. 

We were hugging for quite awhile, and then he lets go of me and I can see a big bright smile across his face, he's still adorable nonetheless. "Thank you, Lyla for saying all of those stuffs. I just..got caught up you know cause uni has that effect on you. Wanting everybody to like you, and wanting them to be your friends, girlfriends etc", I respond, "I know, I felt it too but maybe I just don't want to lose myself you know? So yeah, I rather get misunderstood by a bunch of people, and let them stare me like I'm an alien rather than being someone I'm not. Yeah, I do get lonely but I am my own best company. That's just me". 

"That's why I am so attracted to you, Lyla. The way you walk alone with your headphones on and not caring to walk in groups like girls usually do, just got me fascinated", he complimented and I kissed him on the cheek,"you are definitely the sweetest guy I've ever met", I smiled at him and took another pizza. He took another one too, and switched on the tv, "wanna watch some tv?", he asked. "Why not? Pizza and tv always goes well", I said and we just hang out and ate pizza. Basically, we got through the awkward phase. 

After episodes of reality tv later, I look at my watch and it's getting late so I decided to excuse myself, "I think I'm gonna get going, thanks for the pizza, Dylan", I got up and grab my bag and he stands up as well and we hugged goodbye but as I make my way to the door, he called me out. "You don't like me anymore, haven't you?", he asked and I turned around, not knowing what to say. 

"I kissed someone on New Years too", I confessed. 

He looked at me, and he can see right through my confession, and it's different than his New Years kiss. "you like him", he smiled, a fake one. I instantly cupped his cheeks, "it doesn't mean that I don't like you anymore, Dylan. I do like you, I like hanging out with you and if you're okay, let's keep on doing that". 

He pulls my hand down from his face, "as friends?" 

I stood there in silence, I do not have the energy and pride to take him down again, so I said, "a date. Let's start new, I want to have a first date with the real Dylan", I smiled and who knows? The night might go well. 

"What about the New Years guy?", he crossed his arms. "He made it clear that it was nothing", I honestly admitted. 

"Well, he's a fool", he said and I chuckled. "But I would like to take this slow, like you said, I have to learn to accept and actually love myself first before someone could. So, shall we have friendly dinner date?", he smiled and I couldn't help but to smile too, "it's a date". 

  We bid our goodbyes and I start to walk home, and I never thought that Dylan and I would have a conversation like we did, but I'm glad he did cause self-love is so vital and temptations to be someone you're not is just everywhere. The main question still floating in my mind, will there ever be a possibility of me falling for Dylan? I was in the same position as he is, where I acted like I 'm cool so that he could continue to talk to me and I have not told him that yet, so I have also not be showing him the true Lyla. Hey, maybe the both of us would like the real versions of ourselves?

Whatever it is, I'm feeling great and I need music to emphasize this feeling so I pull out my earphones and stuck them into my ear and open Spotify and tap onto Happy Hits. I've never heard this song before but the beat got me going, so why not? 

  Beauty Queen, jump on my limousine
And ride it aaaa-all night long, aaaa-all night long
It's so fantastic even when there's traffic
Driving aaaa-all night long, aaaa-all night long  

When I listen to the explicit content of the song, I just laugh out loud and continue enjoying the song cause nothing can bring me down now. 


a/n: Hi beautiful lovelies! This chapter was unexpected huh? At least to me xD and as you can see, I use the media cause I thought, I'm using music in my story? Why not just put it in and let you guys on in the ride? RIGHT? So if you guys dig this kind of thing, please tell me and if you don't, tell me too. Just basically tell me anything cause you guys know how I love to interact! So yeah, comment down below your thoughts and worries and predictions ;) 

Thanks you guys! Much Love xx

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