15: Take Care

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Back on campus, sitting in the library, trying to catch up with studying but couldn't help to think back the short break I had. Spending New Years with my family has been nice but Fred is a good addition to it, let's recap what has happened. We KISSED  on New Years but it didn't mean anything, to him at least because he was drunk and thinking of Jenny which is Karl's new girlfriend! I misunderstood the situation with Karl, I really thought that we could be something again, but he's changed and I sort of changed as well I guess? What's the difference? I'm smiling more, and yeah Fred has something to do with it but I would take some of the credit cause I took on some dares like singing on stage, talk to Karl without confessing my loneliness to him, didn't over think or question Fred about the kiss and actually completed the song project. I can't help but smiling, cause the first time in a long time, I actually feel good about myself, and listening to Hilary Duff's album is just the perfect soundtrack of my life right now. Suddenly I see a fluff of pinkness coming towards me, and I'm glad to call this fluffness my friend. 

"Seriously, Gort! You can't just text me telling that you had your short break with Fred, your cute song partner/barista and end it with a smiley like as if you don't owe me anything!", she shouts and I motion my hands to lower her voice. 

"For God sakes' Rosie, this is a library. And I don't owe you anything, what are you talking about?", I said because I don't think I used her money before and what's the relationship between money and our short break?

She places her palm on the table and tilt forward to my face, "you owe me DETAILS, Gort!"

"Details? What details?", I asked. 

"Oh my Gort! You're really new with this bestie thing huh? Clean up your things, we are gonna get ourselves some coffee and you are going to tell me all about it", she closed the book in front of me and the other three books around me and I did not fight cause we are in a library and I refuse to make a scene. 

At the cafe, I ordered my tall cinnamon latte and sit down on the comfortable arm chair, right opposite of Rosie. "So, we have our coffees, tell me what happened and don't leave a single thing".

"Everything?", I asked cause I'm kind of embarrassed to tell cause it's gonna make me look like a dork because I did act on my feelings and Rosie is certainly the type to act on her feelings. "Yes, and what's wrong with that? You said you had a lovely time with him, it's not that you sleep with him and both of you act like nothing happened", she said while sipping her over complicated coffee. I bit my lip and the nerves showing on my face made her almost spit out her coffee.

"DID YOU REALLY? Gort, I would never expect that from you but kudos", she chuckles.

"I did not sleep with him",  I said and Rosie interrupted, "oh you did him a favour, I get it girl", she winked.

"Gross! No, Rosie! He kissed me on New Years and the next day he apologized and said that he was drunk and he met his ex that night, not to mention the girl is Karl's girlfriend right now so it sort of shoots both of us in the head and it's just an innocent New Years Kiss", I told her. 

"What were you both doing when he kissed you? On the dancefloor in some club? Cause that's where I got my New Years kiss", she said with no remorse or anything. "No, he got so strung up seeing Jenny that we took a walk in a park and talk about a million of stuffs and listening to some dumb songs and when the fireworks starts, he just pulls me in and kiss me. It's just a spur of a moment kind of thing, no biggie". I smile, trying to hide the disappointment but it turns out I'm bad at it.

"You want me to believe that bullshit?", she points at me. "What? It was just a kiss, he said he was drunk, do I really have to repeat myself, Rosie?", I told her.

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