19: Are you lonesome tonight?

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This past week have been so tiring! I have submitted a few essays and then to congratulate us for submitting them on due, they give us another two to work on, so that our gears would not get rusty. Is this how educating yourself is? Sounds more like child labour, even technically I am not a child but adult labour is already real and it's not that far ahead into my future. If I ever get hired after uni, it'll be some sleazy office job where you work from 9 to 5, but if my boss is a real wallflower, then I'll be at home by 11 at night. I put my head on the library desk and moan, thinking about what am I doing with my life? I'm studying economics and yeah, I find it super duper interesting and I know there's too much to read, too much too write, too much to understand, but I've chosen this and I know the hard work that comes with it so why am I complaining? I just need to blow off some steam I guess.

I moan again. The person on the desk beside me whispers, "do you mind?"

I turn my head to the side and whispered back, "have you ever felt that what you're studying is not what you're going to do as a career?"

The girl chuckled, "what are you talking about? Isn't this your choice?"

"It is, but....I don't know", I turn my head and closed my eyes. Again, people just don't get me. I lift my head and continue reading this book I was studying but the mood just not setting in. I need to get out of here, I need to go somewhere. I gathered my books, grab my bag and walk out of that library. On my way home, I took out my phone and call Rosie and see if she wants to have a girls' night out or girls' night in or grab dinner at least.

"Hey, you've reached Rosie. Super sorry that I can't take your call right now but leave a message and I'll call you back. Unless you're a stalker or some creepy guy that has my number, no I won't call you back", ugh I got the voicemail but decided to leave a message instead.

"Hey Rosie, it's Lyla. I've been having a tough week with work and all, and thought of hanging out with you tonight or perhaps some dinner? I'm not in the mood for going out partying, just relax and chit chat would be good. Call me". I ended the call, and who else could I call? Would you think a big nerd like Dylan would spare me some time for me to watch a movie or something? I dialled Dylan. 

"Hey, Lyla. What's up?", he answered. "Hey, Dylan. Oh nothing. Literally nothing, just looking for some distraction before I start on more work where I just submitted some work yesterday", I told him.

"Ouch. So, what are you planning on doing?", Dylan asked. I chuckled, "that is why I'm calling you, you big nerd! Let's grab dinner or some takeout and chill want watch a movie or something?"

He laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm studying right  now for a test and I have to stay in", I sighed. "Hmm, perhaps that is just that time of the term where everyone is cooped in their room studying". 

"No, Lyla. Just me. The test is in a week, and I bet all of my coursemates are out drinking right now", he said and I asked, "why don't you go and join them?"

"I was feeling studious and it's better to start early", he said and I smiled because it was a big step for him to do what he wants, even though if it's staying in and study. "I'm proud of you nerd". 

"Funny, but thanks. Sorry though, Lyla. Have you tried Rosie?", he asked and I answered, "yeah , she didn't pick up. I'll just try Fred next. Perhaps I could practice with him, music does sooth my soul". 

"Go do that, sorry again Lyla", he apologized and I responded, "no biggie nerd, I'll talk to you later". I hang up the phone and try to call Fred, but why do I feel reluctant to do so? Why do I feel that it's gonna get awkward cause I still have mini feelings for him, and yeah I'm trying to get over him since he has something with Rosie which both of them denies but seriously, I saw them getting comfortable but Rosie is like that with every guy and so does Fred? Ugh, I don't know but he is my friend and it would be not fair not to give him a call. 

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