9: Never Seen Anything

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This term has been hectic, but yet great because I never thought that I be this happy, and somehow I never thought that I actually have a friend. Rosie is great, she might be the total opposite of me but we get along quite well, bizarre right? I thought friends are supposed to be like two peas in a pod where we like the same thing, wear the same thing and have the same taste in guys. I love music, like I couldn't live without it but Rosie is more to fashion, and obviously we do not wear the same thing.I'm so laid back but Rosie puts the effort to look drop-dead gorgeous and I don't think we even like the same type of guys? I've never seen Rosie like crushing over anyone, I just see her flirting with every guy she sees, but she doesn't necessarily like them? Me, I'm a hopeless romantic, I like it when a guy approach me and tell  me that I caught his eye, and he asked me out on a date and we get to know each other and fall madly in love. 

A little flashback; There is this one guy that I managed to caught his attention, Dylan Jones. We talked once in class and he practically chased me after that, which is surreal cause no guy would ever want to chase me. We started to talk, and text, and even 'hang out'. Yes, we are not dating, we are basically hanging out because apparently he likes me but he doesn't want anything serious, so yeah, it's sort of a fling. When I found out that he has no plan on pursuing a romantic relationship with me, I was surprised and feel slightly hurt, but at the same time I already had a hunch that he has something else up his sleeve. But that does not make me feel any better, because I'm still crushing over this guy like a freshman that could not take her eyes from a senior in high school . He has been nothing but nice to me, and we would hold hands but we are not a thing, it's purely platonic. 

Another thing that I'm over the moon about is that I'm working with Fred on a song for our course project. Fred has incredible talent on dropping the beats, some sessions we had is just him randomly playing the keyboard and his beat board, and it was magical.That is why I feel sorta insecure being around him cause I'm not a good lyricist, this is my first time and he constantly tell me that its okay and he understands that it is my first time but it's truly not fair to him cause he is just unbelievable with producing music! He's also have this tenderness about him, I can simply talk to him about anything but I don't, the only honest thing I talked to him about was Karl and he pulled that out of me, and I have been trying to open up that wound and put those feelings into words, so it's still in the works. In the midst of all of this, I am super glad that I get to come back home for Christmas! 

I stepped out of the cab and I can see my mum standing by the window and I guess she has been standing there for hours. She runs out and hugged me as soon she touches me. "Oh baby, I've missed you so much", she said. "I missed you too mum, I'm so glad to be home", I told her. She kisses my cheek, and turn her head towards the door, "Liam! Get your sister's things!", I saw him just about to go upstairs with a plate of sandwiches. He put his plate on one of the steps and went out to take my bag, "welcome home, sis", he said while giving me a kiss. "thanks, bro". 

I went into the door, and the aromatic smell of the house just makes my insides loosen up, and seriously nothing feels like home. I look around to look for dad but he seems to be nowhere, "where's dad?", I asked. 

Liam answered while pulling my suitcase in, "still at work, I guess. What do you have in here? Are you that big of a nerd that you brought all of your books?"

"Ha-ha very funny, Liam. I have exams after the break so I just bought a few, plus maybe it's just you being unfit or something. I do see a little belly pouch going on there", I teased him. He dropped my bag and put his hands on his hips, he's sort of a workout freak because he always wanted to have such a lean body but Liam being a pig, he just could not stand good food when he sees them, "what did you say?"

I stepped backward onto the steps of the stairs, ready to make a run for it, "I said...you have slacking off those sit-ups and trading them with sit-downs and an extra twinkie", he started to run and I quickly run up the stairs and accidentally kicked his plate of pb&j and he stepped on it but managed to chase me and I went into my room and shut the door. "That's it, you're taking your suitcase up my yourself. No more help from big bro", he shouted over the door. 

I couldn't care less, dad is going to force him to bring up the suitcase anyways and he would never cross dad. I lay on my bed and take out my phone, I opened Spotify and picked a playlist that goes great with this moment. Happy To Be Home. A foreign band and foreign song played and I didn't care, I just enjoy the music. I stand up and twirl around my room and flips my hair, and basically be high with the music. Then my door suddenly knocked and it opened slowly, and it was my dad bringing in my suitcase. "Hey princess", I rushed to him and hugged him. "Hi dad! You didn't have to bring my suitcase up, that was Liam's job", I told him.

"Hey, I'm gonna do anything for you as long as I can because you are growing into an independent woman and you're no longer need me anymore", he smiles and I kiss his cheek, "I'm always gonna need you dad". We just look into  each other's eyes and just take in the moment, I just have this special connection with my dad. I think it's a father-daughter thing, that does not mean that I'm not close with my mum, we are the best of friends but dad, I'm always going to feel like a princess with him, and he seems to always let me. While songs just playing from my speakers, my dad smiled, "this house is going to be filled with music for these few weeks, and I might say that I'm glad to have this noise back", I laughed at his remark because usually he would ask me to slow down my music while he's watching his basketball game or some documentary. "Clean yourself up, dinner is almost ready alright?"

"Yes dad", I said and he exit my room and I started spinning around again like a hippie, cause this is what this playlist sounds like. 


"DINNER'S READY!" , my mum shouted and I put the last of my books on the table and tie my hair up into a pony tail. I went out and saw my brother walking out of his room as well, we just looked at each other and didn't say a word. We walk side by side down the stairs and reach the kitchen, I pulled my chair and the way to his seat which is the opposite of mine, he pulled my pony tail, and it hurts! "OW! What was that for?", I asked and he said, "that's for saying I have a belly pouch", and as we sit down, I raise my right foot as high as I can, I stepped on his foot and his other leg sort of jerked upward and hit the table, "what the hell?!", he shouted. "That was for calling me a big nerd!". Then my dad walked in and take his seat, "the both of you just stop it, you're acting like kids". 

"He started it!", I shouted and he shouted back, "hey, it's not my fault for saying the truth". I rolled my eyes, "I could see your double chin from here". My mum brought out a big bowl of mash potatoes, "behave yourself, sometimes I can't believe that you Liam, you are 23 and you, Lyla, you're 19 but still  acting like Lyla just got into first grade and you just got into middle school". 

"Some people  just don't get old, hon", my dad said to my mum and she's starting to blush, because she knows that my dad was complimenting on her ageless beauty. "Oh stop it Jerry, now you're just pulling my leg", she said. 

"I'm not kidding around, Barb. You think the other women your age looks good as you?", he winked and Liam and I just started to react childish as we are, "ewwwww! Can you guys just wait till we're done with dinner?", I said and Liam looked disgusted, and he said, "put some dinner music on, Lyle! I genuinely lost my appetite here", I instantly picked a dinner playlist and the first track is The Script, Never Seen Anything. 

"Seriously Lyle? Now you just made the situation worse, they are going to do it right here right now", he said and both of my parents giggled at our antiques, "let's have some dinner", my dad said and we start to scoop food onto our plates and despite the crazyness, I've actually never felt more happy in my life, I feel that I actually belong.

  Well I've seen you in jeans with no make-up on
And I've stood there in awe as your date for the prom
I'm blessed as a man to have seen you in white
But I've never seen anything quite like you tonight
No, I've never seen anything quite like you  


a/n: Hi guys! I know its been awhile and please enjoy this chapter as much as I do! I'm home for the holidays and I decided to write a happy, feel good chapter for us to start our holiday mood! PM me if you ever wanna talk, or just drop a comment and I'm blessed that you guys read this story and grateful that some of you actually voted for this simple story. Make yourself known to me so I could thank you readers personally, just write in your hearts content in the comment section, and I would gladly read it. 

Much Love xx

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