7: Shoulda been there

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I am sitting in my room, on the bed, holding a pen and trying to write lyrics down for the song project that I'm working with Fred and I am supposed to give him at least a verse so that he would know what kind of mood are we setting it in but clearly, I'm struggling? What kind of song am I supposed to write about? What message will stand out and get the crowd going? Love? What do I want to listen in a song? I want to listen to emotions, honesty and beautiful singing. Okay, maybe I can't provide beautiful singing but emotions and honesty is fundamental. I'm tapping my pen onto my notebook, trying to think what can I write about something honestly and full with emotions, the only time that I'm full with emotions is with Karl, does that mean I'm supposed to write a song about him? Oh shit, that would be heartbreakingly pathetic. Why would I want to tap into these emotions that's just going to stress me out and feel all pathetic when I really know that he moved on quite well, and to validate what I just said, I take my phone and tap into his Instagram profile.  His latest picture shows the morning sun with the caption, a morning run never look this good.  "Oh now he's running? He's going to keep himself fit now?", I shouted to myself. I scroll down and looked at his selfies with his new friends, and being happy while I'm here sitting alone in my room and tapping into my instagram profile, the latest photo I posted was the last dinner I had with my family before I go to uni, wonderful. Not only that I think I'm pathetic, but he would think so too based on this. 

Then I started writing some words onto the paper because I finally have these filled up my emotion juice, and I wouldn't lie about how I feel so let's give this a try. 

It's so mysterious how I knew everything about you, and now it's like I don't know you at all. 
We used to talk and laugh, text till our friends got mad, then you decided you had enough of it all.
Like drinking a bottle of whisky, you'll stop before you fall to the floor. 
You just left me there, let time passes by, let me see how you changed so much
From being a lover to stranger. 

Then when I want to start writing a second verse, my phone rings and Dylan's name is on the screen. 


"Hey, you're busy tonight?", is he asking me out and certainly, I just got my juices flowing but I wouldn't want to cancel on our first possible date? 

"No, got nothing planned tonight", 

"Great, let's go grab dinner", he sounds so casual as if it sounds more like a friendly dinner rather than a date? 

"There's this little italian place that we should try it out, so I'll pick you up at 7?", he continued and I just said, "yeah, sounds great.See you then".

"See you later, Lyla", then he ended the call. He finally asked me out! I'm actually squirming inside, I should get ready but, I don't know whether to dress as if I'm on a date or a friendly dinner. "Oh my God! The pressure is definitely real!".

So I called up my only friend that has full expertise on this, "Helloooooo", she answered the call.

"Hi, Rosie. Lyla here", I said and Rosie instantly said, "of course I know its you, your name appeared on my screen Gort. What's up?"

"I need some girly advice", I said and she said, "yes Gort, shaving legs is for hygiene purposes". Then I was puzzled, "what? No, but what? What makes you think I want to ask about shaving my legs? I do shave my legs", I said. "I just thought you wearing jeans and leggings all the time, you got something to hide". "Okay okay, I might not do it often but that's not why I'm calling you", I said and then another voice suddenly surprised my eardrums, "oohhh girl, no matter how lean your legs are, you need to shave them to get them boys".

"Who is that?", I asked and Rosie respond, "oh, it's just Sandy,my manicurist".

"Are you doing your nails? And why can she hear me?", I asked because when it's a friend asking an advice from another friend, its supposed to be personal but maybe not to Rosie, she's a wide, open book.

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