21: Something there

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I'm in front of Fred's door and I have no idea how to talk to him about his feelings, let alone provoke him. What if Rosie is just playing with me? What if all of this is just a big plan for Rosie to make me confess my feelings to Fred, and just let everything be out there in the open? Why does is it so doubtful that Fred could actually have feelings for me? Shit, what's my game plan here? Should I act so soultry and flirt with him or just walk in and demand him to tell me right there and then? I'm so not good at flirting so I better go with the latter but am I actually mad? To be honest, I'm scared. I'm so scared of the outcome, I don't know what's gonna happen. I know I'm overthinking this and I should just jump, right? I take a deep breath, "just jump, Lyla. You can do this, you have nothing to lose".

I do have something to lose, I have someone to lose. Suddenly the door flung open and the sight of Fred inches away from me just froze my whole body as if I've got shot with a freezing gun. "I knew I heard someone out here, and I've been waiting for you, Lyla. Come on in". I followed him inside and I said,"you are?". 

He sat on his stool by his keyboard, "aren't we practicing today?", he furrowed his eyebrows. I pat my forehead, "yeah, duh. Totally". He play some keys on his keyboard as if nothing happened, as if he did not actually yell at m face for being a lousy friend? Why is he not addressing the problem? Why does he keep on hiding his feelings?! Now I see it, he's just not the expressing kind, like the time he called me during the break that he felt lonely and bad about seeing her ex Jenny with her new boyfriend, which was Karl, what are the fucking odds? He never said he was lonely, I figured it out and the time when we actually saw Jenny and Karl, he just put on this total silence until I have to distract him, but still not talking about his feelings and perhaps, when he kissed me, he got overwhelmed about his feelings like I did, and he simply didn't want to talk about it and instead, he buried his feelings down and look at us now. 

I decided to play out his game, let him has his move, just for awhile. I sat down on the sofa, and opened by this time I have memorized my lyrics so I told him, "okay, I'm ready". 

Not looking at me, he counted, "1, 2, 3". He started playing the keys beautifully, and I started singing my song. No, our song. 


We gone through the song for like 5 times and add some tweaks here and there and then he spin his stool right at me, and said, "you sing that song out, like a pro.  Now, let's work on performance wise". 

"Don't I have just to stand on stage and just sing?", I asked. "Ah, it may seem that way, but the performance itself is another kind of art", he smiled and for the first time, I want to punch him on the face cause he's not gonna get away with this, and certainly taking the advantage of me not even mentioning it. 

"Stand up", he said and I did cause it's still his move. "Try and sing a song, any song. I want to see how you perform so we'll know what to work on. You okay with that?", he asked and I responded, "yeah". I tilt my head side to side, to loosen myself up. He sat on the edge of his sofa, "okay, whenever you're ready. Try to make that message go through", he grinned and I smirked cause this is my move. 

Before I sing, "do you have any chance, own a mic stand?", even though I'm gonna make my move but I need some support when everything goes down. 

He shook his head, "no, sorry". He looked around and shook his head again, "no worries, then. I'm just a little bit nervous". 

"Sit down then, and relax. It's only me", he said. I sat down on the sofa, "since it's only you, then I'll dedicate this song to you". 

"Now, I'm excited", he chuckled. Oh, you should be. "But it's a Disney song though?", I told him and he smiled,"it's the message that matters". You could say that again. 

There's something sweet and almost kind
But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined
And now he's dear and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before

He glanced this way, I thought I saw
And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw
No it can't be, I'll just ignore
But then she's never looked at me that way before

New and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
True that he's no Prince Charming
But there's something in him that I simply didn't see

I definitely made his eyes widened, he got up from his seat and tried to hide his discomfort for being on the spot and chuckled, "so you're saying I'm a beast, Lyla? I rather be the beast, cause the human version is just too pretty".

Oh na'ah, it's my turn. I'm gonna checkmate on his own game. 

"Seriously, Frederick? You do not think that you owe me an explanation? Or even an apology? You left me standing, with no explanation at all! What the hell is going on? What is it that you're so afraid to tell me?", I stood up. 

"Okay, fine. I apologize for what happened and I yelled at you, it's just because you sorta hurt me and I know it's silly cause you basically did not do anything, it's my fault so can we brush it under the carpet?", he asked. "No, the carpet ain't gonna have space to hide your dirt, Fred". 

He put his hands on his hip, "what do you want from me, Lyla? I apologized, and I explained. What more?". I put my hands on my head frustratingly, thinking why is it so hard for him to tell me.

"Just admit that there's something here", I told him and he looked like he understood but decided to act stupid anyways, "what something?". 

"For God sakes, Fred! Do I have to spell it out for you? Why do you think that I want you to tell me if I don't feel the same?", I confessed, indirectly. 

He looked at me, like right into me. He knew what I meant, he has no where to go or say other than confessing. "Look, Lyla. You're amazing, you're not like any other girls I met", he stepped closer and I'm ready to open up this feeling which I've been trying to hold it back, please Fred, let me love you. 

"But...I don't like you that way". 

It's like an arrow through my heart, I don't believe this. I don't know what to say or do now, I grab my bag and avoid eye contact because my eyes it's gonna burst any second. 

"Lyla, Lyla. Come back, I...", he called me back but I just kept on walking cause obviously I misunderstood the situation, I  misunderstood him and I made a complete fool out of myself. 


a/n: Don't throw any pitchforks at me! The story doesn't end there, there's still hope! If I give them hope, muahahahah! 

But seriously, who would've thought, right? 

Comment, vote and the next chapter is the last one you guys! Don't fail on me now, there's still goodies to come

Much loves xx

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